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Did you know a CofC trustee is the namesake of the Poinsetta flower?

Yes! The popular holiday flower is named after Joel Poinsett.

Dr. Joel Poinsett (1779–1851) served as a trustee of the College. A physician, botanist and lover of languages, Poinsett was appointed by President James Madison as consul in general to Chile and Argentina, where he investigated the prospects of revolutionists. He went on to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, where he called for internal improvements and advocated for the maintenance of a strong army and navy. Poinsett supported the Monroe Doctrine and was convinced that republicanism was the only way to guarantee a peaceful, free form of government. Poinsett served as the first minister to Mexico and signed the first treaty between the two countries, the Treaty of Limits, which recognized the U.S.–Mexico border. The poinsettia bears his name since he introduced the Mexican plant to the United States. (source: Top 25 CofC History Makers)

Erika LeGendre • December 7, 2023

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