MGMT 301 Students Visit the Ronald McDonald House
Alexis Carrico brought 100+ MGMT 301 students to the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) on November 14th to learn about how leaders use their business skills toward impact-related work. Speakers covered topics in Marketing, Management, Development, Strategy and Operations. Thus far, Carrico’s MGMT 301 students have also contributed 4.5 gallons of “pop tabs” (or 13.5 lbs!) toward the Ronald McDonald House’s “Let’s Pull Together” campaign. Interestingly, since beginning this partnership with RMH only last Spring, Carrico has helped facilitate the placement of three CofC students at RMH: two as undergrad interns, and one as a MBA-grad full time community engagement employee. Of note, this Fall, the CEO of the Ronald McDonald House, Kathy Papadimitriou, also spoke to the full MBA cohort.