Kelley Anderson publishes two articles on social media wellness, peer-to-peer community
Congratulations to our colleague Kelley Cours Anderson, assistant professor of marketing, on her latest research publications!
Peer-to-peer community on social media: An exploratory cross-cultural study
Kelley Cours Anderson, Pia A. Albinsson and Caroline Ducarroz
Journal of Consumer Behavior
This exploratory research utilizes the lens of uses and gratifications theory (UGT) to examine cross-cultural differences in consumers’ motives for using social media to build peer-to-peer (P2P) community.
Are Your Students Aware of Social Media Wellness? A Necessary Macromarketing Curriculum Extension
Kelley Cours Anderson, Louis J. Zmich, Breanne A. Mertz and Ashley Hass
Journal of Macromarketing
Social media wellness is an emerging topic due to the numerous adverse effects of social media (SM) usage, yet it is an uncommon topic in marketing curricula and research. This paper introduces this novel topic as an opportunity to extend macromarketing curricula. It also highlights curricula she uses in her Social Media Marketing course.