Demographic Cliff
We’ve been discussing a pending enrollment/demographic cliff for years. Declining birth rates, an aging population, economics, and other factors mean fewer traditional college-age students in the future. As academics, we understand that the data supports this conclusion. It’s happening. We need to have strategies to deal with it so we can control our own destiny.
College leadership is making sure that while we currently have strong enrollment numbers, we prepare appropriately. These are smart moves.
In the School of Business, I believe our focus on becoming a category of one will enable us to not just survive the pending cliff but thrive. Yes, I said thrive. We know we can maintain our quality undergraduate programs while intentionally growing our graduate and professional education offerings—the EMBA, EDBA, and growth in BPS. Academic distinction will play a crucial role. While there will be fewer traditional college-age students, there will remain a need for learning and creating knowledge. As we utilize a broader, more inclusive, learner-centric lens, we will still achieve our mission, but in a different manner.
Remember, we can be a category of one by:
- Making a deliberate decision to start the journey
- Creating clarity around “Why” we do what we do, not just “How”
- Not letting our past successes become the enemy of our future
- Answering the question: “Why should I do business with you?”
- Building our brand
- Increasing our competitive advantage
- Acknowledge the reality the customer is in the driving seat, not us
We have something exceptional here in Charleston, and I look forward to working with you to share our story with the world.
Speaking of telling the world, do you have good news you would like to share? Remember, you can submit items to the Pulse using this form– found at the top right of the Pulse. Often, with your permission, we will share on social media or in a print publication.
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