Charleston School of Business Faculty & Staff Updates

Hurricane Thoughts

First and most importantly, I hope you and your loved ones are well and were minimally impacted by the storm. Many people have asked me if this was my first hurricane – forgetting that I’ve lost count, having lived in Florida and Eastern NC. Despite my familiarity, each storm is a new experience and gives me more respect for their power and impact.

As I type this, I am watching the downpour out my window and enjoying the relaxing sound of rain hitting the roof. It’s incredible how something so beautiful and seemingly simple is so powerful. In many ways, it’s like the year ahead.

It will be a busy year, and like a hurricane, it will happen. There’s nothing that by itself is overwhelming. How we approach the year will make all the difference. We have our AACSB visit next fall. That’s a lot of details that will require significant preparation, but nothing is too complicated. Then, we are working towards more clarity and no surprises. Our committees will be tweaked, and we will work to ensure efficient and effective faculty engagement. We will add 2 new graduate programs (EMBA & EDBA) while ensuring we continue to make our undergraduate programs destinations for future students. Then there are the significant events and our everyday business.

With a focus on the future, we will intentionally begin our journey to becoming a category of one. We will talk about how we differentiate ourselves and how we communicate it and show proof that we are what we say we are.

Like my experiences with hurricanes, nothing here is new, but even the seemingly simple is incredibly powerful.

It will be a fun year, and I look forward to our continued journey together.

YOU make a difference.

Ponder this …

Paul • August 30, 2023

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