Join The Conversation
From Ron Menchaca, Vice President of Communications
I’m writing to ask for your participation in a new strategic initiative intended to highlight the academic expertise of our faculty and to increase national visibility for the College and its programs.
In January 2023, the College began a one-year pilot membership with the non-profit news organization The Conversation. If you are not familiar with this independent news website, I encourage you to scan its articles, which are all written by academics and researchers with a university. If you scroll to the bottom of the home page, you’ll find a listing of the organization’s funding partners as well as a list of its university members. There’s a good chance that universities with which you are affiliated and/or some of your faculty peers at other institutions are already contributing articles to the site.
You may be asking yourself, “What’s in it for me?” Please consider that articles published by The Conversation:
- Are news and analysis pieces grounded in research that deal with topics such as policy, science, health, economics, education, arts, ethics and other subjects
- Increase the reach of your expertise to a wider audience outside of academia in major media outlets such as the Associated Press, The Washington Post, CNN, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Newsweek, PBS NewsHour and others
- Receive an average of 22 million reads per month
- Include author bylines and hyperlinks to faculty bios and related publications
- May be republished for free by other news outlets through a Creative Commons license
- Go through a collaborative editorial process with seasoned news editors
- Require the author’s approval prior to publication
We welcome any interested faculty to pitch articles to The Conversation. If interested, please reach out to Ron Menchaca.