Journey of Belonging
Last week at the Charleston Metro Chamber’s 4th Annual Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Conference, we had a table representing the Charleston School of Business. It was a good day for numerous reasons. It reinforced that we are blessed to work with great people looking for ways to make us better. None of us were required to be there for the day, but we each chose to be there and actively listened and participated. We want to do better, and we all learned a lot. I am encouraged as I learn more about what our colleagues are doing.
It was a sold-out event with representatives from all across the Charleston business community. People led the presentations/sessions with connections to our community. Not “experts,” but real people in the trenches like us. Many shared their journeys, what they learned, and how they continue to improve. We learned about how companies are using employee resource groups, focusing on housing, childcare, using data, and closing the digital divide. It was quite a list. Since joining the Chamber Board last year, I’ve been constantly impressed by how focused it is on enhancing the region. They realize that together we can all do better.
In the ’80s, I heard the quote, “Success is a journey, not a destination,” and it stuck with me. Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging is also a journey. We each can learn, and we can all do better. None of us will ever arrive but the more conversations we can have, the better.
In the fall, we will be tweaking our committee structures. One tweak is an ad hoc committee focused on DEI in our School. They have already started asking questions, and engaging in conversations. I look forward to seeing how they help make the CSB a place where we all belong.
The Chamber offers excellent opportunities to engage with our community and develop as professionals. Erika has been leading our efforts with Charleston Young Professionals. They have leadership development workshops, networking events, and sessions on relevant topics. In the coming year, we will be looking for and promoting opportunities. If there’s one that interests you, raise your hand. It’s not a one size fits all opportunity. It is just one part of our journey of belonging.
I see the same thing happening with the Chamber as I see happening at the College. Groups are aligning with the common goal of advancing together. In Charleston, everyone I’ve talked with understands that together we can be better.
Each of us is different, and we will all contribute differently. The key is that we engage you in the way that is right for you. That you contribute in ways that are uniquely you.
YOU make a difference.
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