Stepping Up
Please join me in thanking Robert (MSA), Alexis (MBA), and Angie (EDBA) for stepping up to graduate leadership positions in the School of Business. While the overall Higher Education landscape changes quickly, change has remained constant in Graduate Business Education. Think about it. The Centre for Innovative Management at Athabasca University launched the first fully online MBA in 1994. Yes, 1994. Most of the world was just learning about email, and Netscape Mosaic 1.0 launched at the end of that year. Yet, graduate business education was already moving online.
I am certain they are the right leaders at the right time. Each brings a breadth of experience, ideas, and, most importantly, a collaborative leadership style. They understand who we are as a business school. They know that while other schools embrace a fully online graduate education experience, that’s not who we are. We are about relationship-based education, and that will remain a core competency.
As they considered the opportunity, we discussed the need, in this competitive environment, to offer programs that meet market needs but also differentiate us from the sea of sameness. We had great conversations with Ron on how, in his part-time role, they can leverage his and the team’s strengths. Together, they will be pulling together five-year plans to provide direction, realizing that things change (COVID made that clear). They will need our help. Thank you in advance.
Again, please thank them. We will all be better thanks to their leadership.
YOU make a difference.
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