Summer Productivity (EMBA Update)
As my earlier post mentioned, despite what some outside academia might think, we are not on summer “vacation.” A lot happens over our “breaks.” For example, our EMBA proposal cleared significant hurdles recently. The BOT approved the program proposal on April 20th, then the proposal was approved by the CHE ACAP committee on June 8th, and just recently, the funding model was approved by the BOT on the 16th. Our EMBA will soon begin recruiting its first class. Thank you, Ron, and everyone involved in making this a reality.
While others are choosing to create online programs, we realize our core competency is relationship-based education (you’ll hear that a lot from me in the future). We will continue encouraging students interested in an online program to consider The Citadel’s excellent online program. That’s their space. Our program will be cohort-based lockstep and require multiple residencies. In my opinion, this is one example of how our two Schools can complement each other to benefit the region. I am optimistic we will find more ways to work together.
The program approval calendar is just one public example of important work that happens over summer break. We are also laying the groundwork for a website overhaul. I know you are spending time catching up on research, revising syllabi, evaluating assessment results, consulting, etc. It’s a long to-do list over the summer for each of us.
I also hope you will find some time to turn off those devices and disconnect. Spend time taking care of yourself. Give your brain a break. The fall semester will be here before we know it and it will be a busy academic year. Besides, taking a break makes us all more productive in the long run.
YOU make a difference!
Keep in mind: