The Website is Getting a Makeover!
For a while, there have been talks about the website going through a redesign. I am happy to share that it is finally happening (see new web templates above)! The go-live date is mid-December, and we need to prepare. I am the SB point of contact to help guide us through the process.
Here are five things you need to know about the website overhaul project:
- The new website will be geared toward prospective students, faculty and staff. Think recruitment.
- All website content intended for current students, faculty and staff will move and live on the School of Business Hub (intranet). Don’t know what The Hub is? Read more about it.
- A web audit of sb.cofc.edu showed more than 8,000 files (pages, documents, images, etc.) on our website! The last complete review, reorganization, redesign and overhaul of cofc.edu was conducted in 2007, so many of those files are dated. No pages will be “transferred” to the new website — any pages you wish to “keep” will need to be rebuilt from scratch. This web overhaul project is an excellent opportunity to start fresh and really sell the student experience in the business school. I’ll be reaching out to programs and centers over the summer and fall to discuss the parts of your website that will need to be reimagined, consolidated, deleted or moved elsewhere based on the audit.
- PDFs will NOT be allowed on the new website. PDFs are not accessible. As such, we plan to move course syllabi and faculty CVs to the School of Business Hub page (more on that soon). Please review PDF usage on your respective web pages. Do you have any PDFs on your area websites? If so, how do you use them? We can work together to determine an alternative. (This also applies to Word and Excel documents.)
- In the next few weeks, I’ll set up a meeting for staff with website editing responsibilities. We’ll have someone from University Marketing talk to us about the project and answer questions.
Stay tuned for more updates. Feel free to contact me with any comments, questions or concerns.
Additional website updates: