Charleston School of Business Faculty & Staff Updates

Opportunity to chat with students in line for graduation!

In Fall 2022, the College started a new process to ask Graduation Marshalls to serve from each school. I tried to find someone else to serve for the honor, but did not find an enthusiastic volunteer. Since I never miss graduation, in the end I accepted the responsibility myself for this year.

The best part was chatting with students prior to graduation. Our Hospitality faculty nearly always chat with students prior to graduation; now I see why, and can’t believe I’ve never joined them before!

Here is the ask. Our colleagues in IR (Institutional Research) are asking that we supply faculty and/or staff to help collect graduation surveys before graduation. If you’re coming to graduation anyways, want to sign-up and have a reason to walk the halls and and chit-chat with students? It involves carrying a sheet with a QR Code, asking if they’ve filled out the survey, then seeing if they want to snap the code and take the survey while waiting for the ceremony to start. An easy task, and a great conversation starter. Plus, it might tug your heartstrings – a great reminder of your infinite impact.

PS – If you are interested in serving as School of Business Marshall role next year, come chat with me. I’ve enjoyed the role, but also am finding it to be an honor I feel guilty about having. I’d much rather share with you.

Carrie Messal • April 26, 2023

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