EXPO 2023: Celebration and Thank You!
The 2023 EXPO represented a successful celebration of research, scholarship, creative inquiry, and community service. Over 250 student projects were presented. Of those, 44 requested to make an oral presentation; 14 were selected.
Awards were given, and the recipient of the 3rd place award for oral presentation was delivered by Andrea Kimpson, titled An Evaluation of the Uniform Partition of Heirs’ Property Act, and mentored by Economics Professor Dr. Pete Calcagno. Andrea is majoring in Economics and International Studies and is a Public Choice Associate.
A special thank you to Dr. Rafa Texiera for serving as a judge for oral presentations.
School of Business Awards were given for poster presentations.
Alumni Award (Top Award):
F.O.M.O and Its Relationships with Mindfulness, Social Media Usage, Loss Aversion, Risk Attitudes,and Time Preferences
Student Presenter: Emily Cook, Economics, Market Process Scholar
Faculty Mentor (s): Dr. Calvin Blackwell
1st Runner-Up:
Sentiment Surrounding ChatGPT
Student Presenter: Isaiah Kahn, Business Administration with a Concentration in Entrepreneurship
Faculty Mentor (s): Lancie Affonso
2nd Runner-Up:
Communication Technology in the Food Supply Chain
Student Presenter: Rex Bingham, International Business, Schottland Scholar
Faculty Mentor (s): Dr. Rafael Teixeira
3rd Runner-Up:
The Information Source Terrain: Mapping Relevancy in Supply Chain Media
Student Presenter: Sebastiano Ronchi, Supply Chain
Faculty Mentor (s): Dr. Rafael Teixeira
Thank you to all of you who made this possible. Check out the program, and see the students and faculty supervisors from the business school. Thank you to Steve Litvin, Ivana Milosevic, and Lancie Affonso for supervising multiple projects… and especially to Lancie Affonso who supervised nearly 10% of all projects presented at EXPO!
Finally, thank you to those who volunteered and attended the EXPO, especially Rafa Texiera, Purushottam “PL” Meena, and Iris Junglas. Rafa judged orals, and PL and Iris spent 2+ hours judging posters.
If you are interested in being involved next year, come talk to me. I served this year on the planning committee and found it to be a meaningful, organized, and appropriate use of time. I would be happy to help you get more involved.