Faculty R&D Call for Proposals for Fall 2023 projects
The College of Charleston Faculty Research and Development Committee is now accepting proposals for Faculty Research and Development Grants for the award period for August 16th – December 31st, 2023. The deadline for submission of proposals is 5 PM on Monday, April 3rd, 2023. Updated proposal guidelines, forms, and examples of successful proposals are available on the Faculty Senate R&D Committee website at https://facultysenate.cofc.edu/committees/research-and-development/index.php. The guidelines carefully articulate the required format and manner of proposal submission; please follow them closely.
Please contact Morgan Hughey (hugheysm@cofc.edu) or Ghazi Abuhakema (AbuhakemaG@cofc.edu) with any questions you may have after reviewing the guidelines. The committee looks forward to receiving your proposals for scholarship in Fall 2023!