Be Nice(r)
About a year ago, I read two articles that resonated with me, and I’ve reflected on them regularly since. They have given me new perspectives on what we have been through and the residual effects.
While neither article was “encouraging,” they were both affirming that what we are seeing and experiencing is real.
The first one:
Why People Are Acting So Weird – The Atlantic
There has indeed been an increase in unacceptable behavior. We’ve seen it at CofC and in the lowcountry. It’s happening with faculty, staff, students, and in our communities. I know you are seeing it. There are multiple reasons why and there are reasons for hope. We are social beings, and things will get better as we continue our interactions. But it will continue to take time, and we need to be patient.
The second one:
A ‘Stunning’ Level of Student Disconnection (chronicle.com)
I’m sure you have your own examples. Students are still trying to figure things out, as well. Things are not unique at CofC. All of us, students and faculty alike, are trying to figure out the “new normal.” We are well on our way to that state but not quite there yet. This article offers some interesting insights.
Then there’s this podcast:
The Power of Small: Micro-Kindness | livewellandflourish.com
There’s always something we can do, and sometimes it doesn’t have to be anything big. Mentioning someone’s name, smiling, holding the door, letting that car merge into your lane — little things add up. The Live Well & Flourish podcast is one of my favorites and an excellent source of encouragement and timely insights. Craig, a business professor at La Tech, provides simple, actionable advice in a 15-minute format. It’s worth adding to your playlist.
Little things do make a big difference.
What are the little things we can do to make life better for others and, in turn, for ourselves? A little nice goes a long way.
Thank you for all the little things you do to make CofC a special place.
YOU make a difference.