Epicenter of Societal Impact
This week I am at the AACSB Deans Conference and attended the Societal Impact Seminar. I enjoy these events because I learn that our challenges are not unique, but we also have one incredible business school. This week is no exception.
At the CofC, we do so much that positively impacts society. I think it was the first week I was on campus that Stuart Williams visited my office and shared about how we are teaching students to “make a profit while making a difference.” It was an affirmation that I am where I need to be. As I continue to learn, I see this repeatedly. Then when I started engaging with the Board of Governors, I noticed that passion again. Then as I engaged with the Metro Chamber of Commerce, it’s there as well. As I engage with industry, it’s there. The stories are seemingly endless.
This had me thinking that Charleston and the College of Charleston could be the epicenter of how business can be a source for good – while making a profit. When we talk about the UN SDGs, few people ask what they are. They know it. They think about it.
As we think about how we, as a business school, make a difference and refine our messaging, we will need to focus on a few key areas. This is clear in the recently released AACSB white paper. To make a significant difference, we need to focus. But it will be a challenge because we are doing so much across all SDGs. But we will have conversations and choose to focus on a few where we think we can make a real difference and focus our efforts. That does not mean we will stop the other activities. Those interested in those areas will continue, but as a School, we will focus. That’s the great thing about our academic mission. There’s room for other good things.
To get us started, I’ve created a quick 3 question survey to gather some of your thoughts on how what we are doing aligns with the UN SDGs and how we are making a difference. So please take a few minutes to share your thoughts. It’s nothing fancy, just simply a way for us to get the conversation started.
In addition, if you haven’t already done so, please check out our 20-question open-ended survey to help us continue updating our strategic plan. You can answer all 20 questions or as many as you would like. And if you know someone who has valuable insights, please forward them the link. The results of both surveys will be shared, and we will use them to jumpstart our conversations.
Making a difference by doing good is clearly in our DNA. So, it’s clear to me that this is another place where …
YOU make a difference.