Recent Faculty Research
Here are two publications I lifted this week from a Management and Marketing email thread:
Dr. Angela Passarelli’s recent Human Resource Management publication, “Communication quality and relational self‐expansion: The path to leadership coaching effectiveness”, is now available online. (ABDC A*, 6.235 IF).
Dr. Ivana Milosevic had a recent acceptance, in Journal of Small Business Management, “The process of growing in small firms: Exploring dialectic adjustments to nonroutine disruptions” (ABDC A, 6.881 IF). It isn’t available online yet, so here is the abstract:
Studies examining small firm growth have suggested that growth is complex due to the multitude of internal and external factors that disrupt it. However, in focusing mainly on external factors and paying less attention to internal factors, the process of growing—or what is happening inside a small firm as it grows—remains undertheorized. Using findings from a real-time case study of a small firm and insights from the dialectical perspective, we develop a theoretical model that illustrates growth as a dynamic process occurring through dialectic adjustments in response to disruptions that cannot be resolved with routine practices. Our findings suggest that these disruptions trigger one of two situations—potentially converging or potentially diverging—in which individuals must adjust by connecting their insights (converging) or breaking connections (diverging). As such, our findings illustrate the variability in growing, compelling small firms to complexify their internal workings through dialectical adjustments in response to ongoing nonroutine disruptions.
Have recent publications or acceptances? Send our way and we will post in The Pulse. Why? Because you’re doing good work, and we’d love to brag to a larger audience. Why else? Because we’d love to help you build connections to colleagues in the business school and our industry partners. This newsletter is a great way to get the word out on the work you do, your areas of expertise, and opportunities for collaboration. Let us brag about you.