Often, I think Thanksgiving should be more than once a year. Not because I like turkey but because being thankful is good for the soul. Last Friday, as I was walking down the stairs of the parking garage, a mom was walking with her son while he sang BINGO – loudly. She apologized and offered to move out of the way, but I smiled and said, “no worries.” It was wonderful. It made me smile. The happiness in his voice as he sang a song, we all know, was infectious. At that moment, I was cognizant of the fact that each day we make a choice. Do we choose to see the good things or the bad? Are we grateful? I know I can do better.
Today and every day, I am thankful for you and the work you do that often goes unnoticed. I’m thankful that we are working to build CARE (Clarity, Accountability, Respect, Encouragement) into our culture. That sometimes we agree, and sometimes we don’t. But we are having conversations and moving our School forward. We know that we are better together. I’m thankful for our shared future, and how we will impact Charleston and the world.
I’m thankful we are creating mechanisms for sharing the great things happening in our School. The world needs to know that CofC is a special place because of special people, and I am thankful to have an opportunity to play my small part.
We have lots of good stuff happening. If you have good news to share, remember to share it with Erika, and we will get the word out.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!