Self-nominations to fill a vacancy for an Academic Affairs representative on the Staff Advisory Committee to the President (SAC) are open through 11:59 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 9, 2020.
Full-time, non-instructional staff members from the Division of Academic Affairs who do not have the words “president” or “provost” in their titles may self-nominate for the special election. This includes staff from the units under the provost executive level, including the following:
- School of the Arts
- School of Business
- School of Education, Health, and Human Performance
- School of Languages, Cultures and World Affairs
- School of Humanities and Social Sciences
- School of Sciences and Mathematics
- Honors College
- Graduate School
- CofC Libraries
- Office of the Academic Experience
- Office of the Registrar
- Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Office of Summer Sessions
- Office of Research and Grants Administration
- Office of Institutional Research
- Office of Institutional Effectiveness
- Center for International Education
- Gender and Sexuality Equity Center
- Center for Study of Slavery in Charleston
- Center for Sustainable Development
- Transfer Resource Center
- Stono Preserve
This appointment will end on June 30, 2021. The appointee will be able to self-nominate for a three-year term starting July 1, 2021, during the upcoming election held in spring 2021.
To nominate yourself, please complete the online SAC nomination form. If you require assistance to complete the form, or to request an alternative method to self-nominate, please visit SAC representative Dawn Brandt in Randolph Hall, Room 103C, or email
SAC values the unique perspectives, backgrounds and experiences of all College of Charleston staff and aims to provide representation from all areas of the College to support an inclusive workplace that inspires excellence and innovation resulting in a thriving staff community.
Email with questions or for additional information.
By Alicia Lutz|November 2, 2020|General News|