One of the most obvious shifts in the last six months of social distancing has been the amount of time we spend at home with our pets. Dogs who formerly waited anxiously by the front door for our return at the end of the day now sit happily by our side (or on our laps) while we work – even becoming familiar faces in Zoom, Teams and Skype meetings.

In celebration of National Dog Day, Aug. 26, these faculty and staff members honor their pups by introducing the College community to their canine colleagues.

Sonya Allen and Lil Bit

Sonya Allen with her dog, Lil Bit

Sonya Allen 
Parking Manager, Campus Services

“Lil Bit is my BFF. He loves everyone he meets, but he loves me the most. LB has been my constant companion every day as I have been working from home. He may be tiny at 3.5 lbs., but he has a huge heart!”




Kathy Béres Rogers and Puck

Kathy Béres Rogers and her dog, Puck

Kathy Béres Rogers
Associate Professor of English and Director of the Medical Humanities Program

“Puck is a Cardigan Corgi; since corgis are fairy dogs in Welsh lore, we were going to name him Oberon (Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream), but he has always been more Puckish. He’s 14 years old now and has been with us through finishing my Ph.D. at UNC-Chapel Hill, moving to Charleston, three evacuations, one child who always wants to ride on him (!), and, now, COVID-19. Although he’s getting old, he is still pretty vocal in Zoom meetings; most of my colleagues hear his voice often.”

Harlan Greene and Zoe

Harlan Greene and his dog, Zoe

Harlan Greene
Special Collections Archivist, CofC Libraries

“Zoe is not only a member of the family, but a mentor. She teaches me patience, loyalty and the joy in living in the moment. She enriches my life in every waking (and sleeping!) minute.”





Kyle and Tucker McCoil

Kyle McCoil with his dog, Tucker

Kyle McCoil
Assistant Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life

“Four years ago I decided to get a dog, and it was honestly one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Tucker is always happy, full of energy and able to put a smile on my face.”





Hung Vo and Kai

Hung Vo with his dog, Kai

Hung Vo ’07 
Application Analyst, Procurement and Supply Services

“Kai is a 5-year-old Shiba Inu. Kai brings me so much joy, companionship and unconditional love. Like a true Charlestonian, Kai loves his beach time!”





Idee Winfield with Elroy

Idee Winfield with her dog, Elroy

Idee Winfield 
Professor of Sociology

“Elroy is my rescue schnoodle from Beebe, Arkansas. I knew he was meant to be my dog when, on our first day home, he ran into the ocean without hesitation. Since the pandemic, Elroy sorely misses his walks around campus where he receives lots of attention from students, visits his favorite sniffing spots, and visits with other dogs on the Cistern.”


And last, but definitely not least:

Hsu and Hoosier

President Andrew T. Hsu with his dog, Hoosier, at 8 weeks old (left) and today (right)

Andrew T. Hsu
CofC President

“Hoosier was born in the mountains of California while Rongrong and I were teaching there. Our family went to get her when she was just 8 weeks old. She was the last and smallest of the litter. Named by my daughters, she is a great family dog: sweet, loving, shy, friendly, sassy, scared of thunderstorms, chill, sleepy and, like all dogs, somewhat needy (but in that good way!). If I am ever home alone with her, she will follow me around everywhere.”