CofC Academic Team Travels to VA Tech for Sectional Tournament

Members of the College of Charleston Academic Team: Catherine Hughes, Dan Mackin, Stephen Baker, Laura Lewis, and Kristin Brig.
The College of Charleston Academic Team travelled to Virginia Tech February 3rd through 5th for the National Academic Quiz Tournaments (NAQT) Region 5 Sectional Tournament. The style of play at the tournament is similar to the TV show, Jeopardy. The questions are fast paced and fingers are ready on the buzzers. Students, Stephen Baker, Kristin Brig, Dan Mackin, Catherine Hughes, and Laura Lewis, made the trip along with their faculty advisor, Christa Poparad, Head of Reference Services. CofC team spirit was evident on competition day when our Academic Cougars responded to role with the Cougar cheer.
After a Saturday morning of round robin competition in division 2, the team placed 4th out of 12 teams edged out by UNC Chapel Hill, GA Tech, and Liberty. The team won 8 rounds and lost 3. Team captain, Dan Mackin (Sr.), placed 3rd individually in a field of over 50 competitors. His correct responses ranged from Ron Paul to Van Halen to Mormons. Team president, Stephen Baker (Sr.), handled the science questions with ease. Catherine Hughes (So.) and Kristin Brig (Fr.) had religion. Laura Lewis (Jr.) answered the most “out there” question with a correct response of aliens.
Shared good times, insightful conversation, and great meals rounded out the weekend. On Sunday, we left power points and bonuses behind and returned to the Addlestone Library. Students interested in joining the Academic Team should contact Dan Mackin at or the Academic Team directly at The team practices on Fridays at 4:30 PM in Maybank Hall, Room 110.