Vis Major is defined as an overwhelming, unanticipated, and unpreventable event. In times of heightened adversity, communities shift, and bonds fracture. How must we change, and what must we sacrifice, if we are to face an unknown future together?“My piece is centered around how tension and isolation affect communities in times of stress. I wanted my piece to capture that feeling of imbalance when you suddenly can’t depend on the way things were anymore, and everything-including yourself- is called into question.” -Choreographer Anna Brown“I feel as if I was a bit more of an active member in the process as opposed to merely a projection of the choreography; Anna asked for and listened to our input and also often adjusted movement patterns based on how we looked initially and interacted with one another.” -Junior Dance Minor Emmaline Sheahan“The entire process proved to be an exciting and tough endeavor. I challenged myself to be more vulnerable and personal with the choreography. I also challenged my dancers to let go of expectations of what an emotion or movement ‘needed’ to look like onstage, and to instead let themselves really feel vulnerable, tough, alone, and connected with each other onstage. When I could see the dancers really commit to the emotions of the work was when the magic really started to happen.” -Choreographer Anna Brown“I feel very privileged to not only have the chance to work with Anna Brown, but to have her as a close friend. She manages her peers in an elegant way that grabs our attention and respect. Her creative mind is genius, and I feel honored to have been able to take a glimpse into it with this process.” -Tori KabernagelJunior Dance Major Audrey Lamb“This choreographic process has been like none other. As a dancer I feel as if I am not just executing movement that has been given to me; I am more than that. I am an active part of the dialogue within the piece. As soon as the piece begins, I am completely immersed within the narrative and I become a part of the greater meaning.” -Senior Dance Major Tori Kabernagel