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Student Housing for Next Year

Posted by: reach | January 19, 2016 | No Comment |

It is time for students to register for housing for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Coordinators are working with students to review their housing options. Students will be contacting you to share their decisions.

In order to complete housing applications, students must submit a housing application fee and deposit. To view housing options and rates, click here.

Please note: housing rates vary based on residence hall.


To pay housing fees:

 Housing Deposit:

  1. Login to eBill as authorized user
    (login url: https://secure.touchnet.com/C20590_tsa/web/login.jsp)
  2. Click on the eDeposit tab
  3. Select “2016 Fall” in the term dropdown box
  4. Select “Fall Housing Deposit only” in the deposit account dropdown box.
  5. Click “Continue” and enter in payment information.

Housing Application Fee:

  1. Login to eBill as authorized user
    (login url: https://secure.touchnet.com/C20590_tsa/web/login.jsp)
  2. Click on the eDeposit tab
  3. Select “2016 Fall” in the term dropdown box
  4. Select “Housing Application Fee” in the deposit account dropdown box.
  5. Click “Continue” and enter in payment information.
under: General Information

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