Category Archives: General News

Public Safety bids farewell to a dear friend

Just a few minutes ago, the Department of Public Safety bid a bitter farewell to Kim Reetz. She’s been a member of the department for over eight years and has become a fixture of our daily lives here. Many of us spend as much time at our jobs as we do at home, and Kim […]

CofC observes Independence Day

Today, the College of Charleston observes Independence Day. Like the College, many businesses are closed today, including government offices. As we observe the holiday on this long weekend, be mindful of safety… yours and others’. And keep in mind those who have suffered recent, tragic losses elsewhere in the country. Be safe, and happy holiday!

Happy Independence Day

The College of Charleston Department of Public Safety extends wishes for a safe and happy holiday to all of the College of Charleston family. Please be safe this holiday and act responsibly. We’ll see faculty and staff after the holiday and students in August. Enjoy. Happy Independence Day!

CofC Employee Honored for Assisting in Detaining Criminal Suspect

On June 23, 2021, responding to a recent Public Safety request for information, College of Charleston employee Claudia Chirinos called us to notify that a known criminal suspect was present in Lightsey Center. Ms. Chirinos stayed on the line with Public Safety Dispatchers and provided time-critical information that led directly to the apprehension and arrest […]

Parking Information for Move-Out from Residence Halls

Parking Information for Move-Out from Residence Halls  The College of Charleston’s offices of Residence Life, Public Safety, New Student Programs, and Parking Services have partnered together so that we can provide convenient parking for the families of students moving out of residence halls for the summer. Be advised that any street parking other than metered […]

National Campus Safety Awareness Month Week 4

We are now in our fourth week of National Campus Safety Awareness Month. We have enjoyed working with our campus partners to raise awareness on a wide variety of health and safety issues. For the fourth week of Campus Safety Awareness Month, we hope that you will be able to attend the following events: September […]