Author Archives: Madeline Sloan

Crime Prevention Update June 02 2016

Good Morning Campus Community,

I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend and had a happy and safe start to the summer. As we kick off the month of June, here are a few things to pass along from Public Safety:

  • The Department of Public Safety, in partnership with the Office of Sustainability and Student Government Association, is in the process of implementing the new bicycle parking system in the area of the Bell Building, McAlister Residence Hall, and Berry Residence Hall. If you park your bicycle in this area, please familiarize yourself with these assignments. Please direct any questions to PSO Kia Rodgers at


  • For those who will remain on campus throughout the summer, please continue to stay observant and report any suspicious activity you may see to Public Safety. Remember, you can report any non-emergency anonymously by calling the Crime Action Line (843)953-4998 or by filling out a Silent Witness form on our website.


  • As summer comes into full swing, and things on campus are quieting down, it can be easy to fall into the trap of complacency when it comes to personal safety and protecting your personal property. Please continue to lock your office or room doors, and store all valuables in a secure location. Taking these simple steps can greatly reduce your chances of becoming a victim of crime.


  • Since the summer of 2015, the Department of Public Safety has been offering an Active Shooter training designed to inform campus community members of how to respond to an active shooter incident. Public Safety will continue to be available to offer this training to your office or department over the summer. We can attend a staff meeting, or make arrangements to come at another time that works best for your department. Please let me know if this is something you are interested in, or if you have any questions.
  • Be social with us! If you have not already, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for departmental news, upcoming events, and other important information. If you are having trouble accessing our pages, please make sure you are signed into your social media account.


Crime Prevention Tip:

Pickpocketers usually work in teams of two or three people. They take their time, stalk their victims, and strike when the victims are most vulnerable. Always be aware of staged distractions. Pickpocketers may drop something in front of you, or cause a loud commotion near you, as a distraction. Once you are distracted, the other pickpocket steals your valuables and walks away. If you are jostled, bumped, or crowded by anyone, consider that a pickpocketer may be in action.


As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.


Take Care and Be Safe,


PSO Madeline M. Sloan

Crime Prevention Specialist

Department of Public Safety

Office of the President

89 St. Philip Street

Charleston, SC 29424




Crime Prevention Update May 23, 2016

With the campus quieting down, here are a few things to pass along from Public Safety:

  • Last week, the Department of Public Safety released a Timely Warning in reference to a motor vehicle theft that occurred on campus. Although there is no way to eliminate crime, there are several risk reduction strategies you may choose to adopt.  Never leave the vehicle running while unattended. Be sure to park in well-lit areas and avoid leaving valuable property inside your vehicle. Most importantly, always lock your vehicle. Trends in auto thefts indicate that over half of vehicles stolen are left unlocked at the time of theft.
  • If you are a student, faculty, or staff member who will be on campus over the summer, it is imperative that your bicycle is registered with Public Safety. We are currently in the beginning phases of the annual summer bicycle removal, and must determine which bicycles have been abandoned. By registering your bicycle, we are able to contact you if needed, and the bike will be accounted for. Bicycles may be registered at Public Safety at any time, free of charge. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at (843)953-4980.
  • The Department of Public Safety offers an on-campus safety escort system that is available 24 hours days, seven days a week for your safety. To utilize this service, please contact the Public Safety Dispatch at (843) 953-5609 and request an officer escort you to your destination. Note: This service is primarily intended for on-campus travel.  Safety escorts can only be guaranteed for on- campus requests.  Off-campus requests will be done at the discretion of the shift supervisor. However, if you find yourself in a situation where you feel unsafe please call us.
  • Did you know that last week was South Carolina Hurricane Awareness Week? According to the South Carolina Emergency Management Division, South Carolina is one of the most vulnerable states in the nation to be impacted by hurricanes and tropical storms. As we are in the midst of hurricane season, please be sure to stay educated on proper hurricane preparedness.  You can pick up a copy of the Charleston County Hurricane Preparedness Guide at Public Safety headquarters, or visit the South Carolina Emergency Management Division website. Anyone with questions, please contact Randy Beaver, Director of Environmental Health and Safety.
  • Be social with us! If you have not already, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for departmental news, upcoming events, and other important information.  If you are having trouble accessing our pages, please make sure you are signed into your social media account.


Crime Prevention Tip:

Avoid storing spare house keys in your vehicle. If your car is left unlocked or broken into, the suspect will then have access to your home. Documents such as vehicle insurance and registration contain your address, thus leading the suspect to your living quarters. Leaving a house key in the vehicle could prompt a secondary crime.


As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.


Take Care and Be Safe,

PSO Madeline M. Sloan

Crime Prevention Specialist

Department of Public Safety

Office of the President

89 St. Philip Street

Charleston, SC 29424




Timely Warning- Motor Vehicle Theft

TIMELY WARNING – Motor Vehicle Theft

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the “Clery Act”), 20 U.S.C. 1092 (f), the College of Charleston issues timely notices to notify the campus community of Clery Act crimes or other serious incidents that the College determines represent a serious and ongoing threat to the campus. The College may distribute timely notices using a variety of means, including emails, text messages, flyers, and website announcements posted on the Campus Safety website .

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act, the Department of Public Safety is informing the College of Charleston campus community of an off-campus assault.

Incident:  Motor Vehicle Theft

Date:  05/04/16

Time:  2252 hours (10:52 pm)

Reported to:    College Of Charleston Department of Public Safety

Report # 2016-C-0318

Location:  81B St. Philip St.  Charleston, SC (PG Garage)

Suspect’s status: At large

Incident description:  The victim stated he parked his grey in color 2003 Infiniti G35 Coupe at 81B St. Philip Street Charleston, SC 29424 (PG Garage) on May 4, 2016 at approximately 2100 hours (9:00 pm). He recalled parking the vehicle on the second floor by the northeast stairwell. When the victim returned on May 5, 2016 at approximately 0200 hours (2:00 am), the vehicle was no longer there. The victim was not sure if the doors to the vehicle were locked and stated that there was a possibility a spare key could have been inside the vehicle.

Suspect Description:   White male, between the age of 18-25 years old, thin build with sandy color hair, wearing tan khaki pants, black polo shirt, and blue sneakers with black shoe laces.

Important Message:  It is important to note that the victim/survivor is never the cause of the criminal offense.  The College does not tolerate this behavior.

Report suspicious activity to Law Enforcement immediately and provide as much descriptive information as is possible. Keep emergency numbers either programmed into your phone or readily accessible.  Keep doors locked and windows shut. Never leave your keys in the vehicle while it is unattended. Park your vehicle in well -lit and highly visible areas. Be aware if someone in another vehicle bumps you from behind. If you feel you were bumped intentionally, lock your vehicle and contact Law Enforcement immediately. Keep a record of descriptive information about your vehicle: Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), License Plate number, make, model, color, and unique characteristics.

If you observe unusual activity, try to remember details as best you can. For example, what a person was wearing or any other identifiers like scars, tattoos or shoes. Please always be aware of your surroundings, avoid walking alone at night, and notify Law Enforcement immediately if you observe potentially dangerous situations or individuals.

Public Safety is available to provide escorts on-campus and the Cougar Shuttle (888.960.2227) is available for off-campus transportation on the downtown peninsula seven nights a week from 11:00 P.M. – 3:00 A.M., during the fall and spring semesters.  For addition safety tips, visit

Get Involved and Make a Difference:  The College encourages the prompt reporting of all crimes, On-campus contact Public Safety (843.953.5611), and off-campus (911).

Oftentimes, students are present when a crime is about to happen and bystander intervention is one method students may use to help prevent a crime from happening.  Learn how to develop this skill and safely intervene.  Contact the Office of Victim Services at 843.953.2273.

Victim Assistance:  Enrolled College of Charleston students who become victims of serious crime are encouraged to get victim assistance by contacting the Office of Victim Services (843.953.2273). Comprehensive services, including assistance with missed classes/academic disruption, are available regardless of the incident location, or if the student elected to file an official report, or not.

If you have any information regarding the crime indicated above, please contact:

College of Charleston Campus Police

Emergencies: 953-5611

Non-Emergency: 953-5609 (Administrative Line)

Crime Action Line: (Anonymous Reporting) 953-4998

Silent Witness:


City of Charleston Police Department

Emergencies: 911

Non-Emergency: 577-7434

Crime Stoppers: (Anonymous Reporting 554-1111)


Crime Prevention Update May 05 2016

First and foremost, congratulations to all graduating seniors. We wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors. With commencement just a few days away, here are a few things to pass along from Public Safety:

  • For those who will be attending or participating in Spring Commencement, the Department of Public Safety would like to remind attendees of the following:
    • Event rate parking for the ceremony will be available at the College of Charleston’s St. Philip garage (located at 81 St. Philip St., next to the AT&T building), Wentworth Garage (located at 81 Wentworth Street, on the corner of St. Philip and Wentworth streets), and the George Parking Garage (located at 34 St. Philip Street between George and Liberty Streets; garage entrance is between CVS and Liberty Street Fresh Food Company). Please refer to the College of Charleston parking map for the exact locations of the parking listed above.
    • Handicap accessible parking is available in all of the garages listed above. A valid state-issued handicap-accessible placard is required to park in a handicap accessible space within these locations. A handicap drop-off/entrance is located on the eastern gate of the Cistern along St. Philip Street.
    • The College of Charleston observes a strict no-alcohol or other drugs policy prior to and during the commencement ceremonies. Ceremony participants, graduation candidates, and guests are prohibited from bringing alcoholic beverages or other drugs onto the premises or consuming alcoholic beverages during the ceremonies. Any person determined by College personnel to be impaired will be removed from the premises and prohibited from participating in the ceremony.
      • Public Safety Officers will be available to assist with directions and answer questions. More information regarding commencement is available here.
  • Please help us to help you avoid becoming a victim of crime. If you have a bicycle parked on campus, please remove it no later than May 8, 2016. All bicycles remaining after this date are subject to being removed by Public Safety. No bicycles should be left on campus during the summer break unless you are taking Summer classes. Please note all bikes secured on campus must be registered. Bikes may be registered at Public Safety at any time, free of charge. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at (843)953-4980.
  • As summer comes into full swing, and things on campus are quieting down, it can be easy to fall into the trap of complacency when it comes to personal safety and protecting your personal property. Please continue to lock your office or room doors, and store all valuables in a secure location. Taking these simple steps can greatly reduce your chances of becoming a victim of crime.
  • Be social with us! If you have not already, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for departmental news, upcoming events, and other important information.  If you are having trouble accessing our pages, please make sure you are signed into your social media account.


Crime Prevention Tip:

Before traveling, learn about your vacation destination before you arrive; know what sites you want to visit and how to get there using a safe, well-traveled route. Be sure to lock your room at your lodging place, and insist that everyone carry his or her key when outside the room. Remember not to give out your room number or invite strangers into your room.


As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.


Take Care and Be Safe,


PSO Madeline M. Sloan

Crime Prevention Specialist

Department of Public Safety

Office of the President

89 St. Philip Street

Charleston, SC 29424




Crime Prevention Update April 07, 2016

Good Morning Campus Community,

With the spring semester quickly moving along, here are a few things to pass along from Public Safety:

  • In light of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the Department of Public Safety would like to remind the campus community of their commitment to the Start by Believing campaign. Start by Believing is a public awareness campaign that is endorsed by End Violence Against Women International (EVAWI). Its purpose is to change the way communities respond to sexual assault. A negative response from friends, family, or law enforcement can worsen trauma in the survivor, diminish consequences for the predator, and lead to more victims. The Department of Public Safety is dedicated to fostering a more supportive environment for survivors of sexual assault and encourages reporting. Please also keep an eye out for the various events Counseling and Substance Abuse Services has planned for Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
  • The end of the semester is rapidly approaching. Please help us to help you avoid becoming a victim of crime.  If you have a bicycle parked on campus, please remove it no later than May 8, 2016. All bicycles remaining after this date are subject to being removed by Public Safety. No bicycles should be left on campus during the summer break unless you are taking Summer classes. Please note all bikes secured on campus must be registered. Bikes may be registered at Public Safety at any time, free of charge. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at (843)953-4980.
  • Finals week is a high stress time for all college students. Counseling and Substance Abuse Services is a free on-campus resource available to students experiencing issues such as stress and anxiety.  CASAS also offers support through the Cougar Counseling Team, which is available Monday-Thursday, from 4pm – 9pm through the school year, and no appointment is needed. If you are concerned about the well-being of a student, you may submit an anonymous FAST report.  These forms may be submitted by faculty, staff, and students.
  • With increased activity in the library, please take the necessary precautions to protect your valuables. Never leave your laptop, textbooks, cell phone, or other items unattended. Textbooks become a tempting target to potential thieves, especially during textbook buy back time. You may register computers, phones, and other items of value at no charge by bringing the item to Public Safety. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Be social with us! If you have not already, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for departmental news, upcoming events, and other important information.  If you are having trouble accessing our pages, please make sure you are signed into your social media account.

Crime Prevention Tip:

Consider marking your textbooks with your name or an identifying number to help aid recovery efforts in the event they are stolen. Do not use your social security number; instead, consider your birth date or student ID number. Place the number on the same page number of all of your books.


As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Take Care and Be Safe,

PSO Madeline M. Sloan

Department of Public Safety

Crime Prevention Specialist

Office of the President

89 St. Philip Street

Charleston, SC 29424



Crime Prevention Update March 03 2016

It is hard to believe how quickly the spring semester is passing by. With April right around the corner, here are a few things to pass along from Public Safety:

  • The 39th Annual Cooper River Bridge Run will take place on April 2, 2016. With this event just around the corner, please take a moment to review all road closures. Please plan ahead and make adjustments accordingly. See the attached documents for more information.


  • Earlier this week, the Department of Public Safety participated in a table top active shooter exercise with other agencies in the Charleston area. A vital component of emergency preparedness is educating the campus community on the best practices of response in active shooter scenarios.  There are still several opportunities to attend the Department of Public Safety’s Active Shooter Training this semester. This 45 minute presentation will cover: the definition of an active shooter; statistical realities behind active shooter incidents; how to identify concerning or suspicious behavior; reporting methods; main options for civilian self-defense; and what to do when law enforcement arrives on scene. This training is open to all students, faculty, and staff.

Thursday, April 7th at 12:00 PM, Stern Center Room 409
Monday, April 11th at 1:00 PM, Stern Center Room 201


  • The National Crime Prevention Council has new resources for 18- to 24-year-olds. Whether it’s getting a job, finding an apartment, navigating the community, securing a first credit card, or dealing with new freedoms and responsibilities, the “Smarter” campaign has it covered. It’s an exciting time of life for young adults, but it’s also important to have the knowledge on how to stay safe and prevent crime. To check out these valuable safety resources, please visit the National Crime Prevention Council’s website.
  • Moped thefts, motor vehicle thefts, and thefts from motor vehicles are still on the rise in the Charleston area. Please take necessary precautions to protect your personal property. Never leave the vehicle running while unattended. Be sure to park in well-lit areas and avoid leaving valuable property inside your vehicle. Most importantly, always lock your vehicle. Trends in auto thefts indicate that over half of vehicles stolen are left unlocked at the time of theft. More information can be found here.
  • As the weather is warming up, most of us will be spending more time outdoors and staying out later. Please take a moment to review the Campus Night Map. This map features the recommended route for night travel based on adequate lighting and access to emergency call boxes. In addition to this resource, safety escorts are available to all students, faculty, staff, and visitors 24/7.
  • Be social with us! If you have not already, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for departmental news, upcoming events, and other important information.  If you are having trouble accessing our pages, please make sure you are signed into your social media account.


Crime Prevention Tip:


With the recent clock change and warmer weather coming upon us, many people will be taking their exercise routine outdoors. If walking or jogging outside, it is recommended to find a workout partner or a four-legged friend. Consider changing your routine: altering your route makes you harder to track and keeps you more alert during your run because you are navigating unfamiliar terrain. Most importantly, always remain alert and be aware of your surroundings.


As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.


Take Care and Be Safe,


PSO Madeline M. Sloan

Crime Prevention Specialist

Department of Public Safety

Office of the President

89 St. Philip Street

Charleston, SC 29424



Important Information Regarding the Bridge Run

Dear College of Charleston Students, Faculty, and Staff:

The 39th Annual Cooper River Bridge Run and Walk is less than two weeks away.   I want to send you the Race details as they relate to traffic in downtown Charleston.  The Race is on Saturday, April 2, beginning at 7:15 AM with the Bridge Run Parade, 7:30AM the Wheel Chair Race, and then the 10K Run and Walk beginning at 8 AM.  We are estimating approximately 40,000 participants and 15-20,000 additional enthusiasts.


Buses will be loading from downtown on Calhoun Street in front of the Gaillard Auditorium from 5-6:45 AM.    We will be closing the Ravenel Bridge and diverting all traffic to 1-526 promptly at 7AM when the RACE Route and side roads will be closed to traffic.


For safety and security reasons we have implemented a pedestrian security zone around the Finish Line area.  Access will be limited in this area to the west side of Meeting Street from Wentworth Street to Calhoun Street.  There will only be two entrances to this section of the race route: one on Wentworth Street between King and Meeting Streets and the other near the First Citizens Bank driveway on Calhoun Street.   At the Wentworth and Calhoun Streets entrance areas there will be safety check areas for each access point.  The side streets, Burns Lane, George St., and Society St. will not have direct pedestrian  access to the sidewalk on the west side of Meeting St.;  to gain access you will have to enter thru the two  security access points.


The east side of Meeting Street will be for resident and business owners only with limited access.   If you live or work on Meeting St. in this stretch please ensure you have an ID with you for entrance at our security check points.  If you live on Society, Wentworth or George Streets or any residence east of Meeting St. and are trying to get to the finish line on Meeting St. you will need to use Anson and Calhoun St. for pedestrian access. On the west side King Street will provide access for you if you reside or work on these streets.


Please be reminded that the Ravenel Bridge will not be open in either direction during the Race beginning at 7 AM.  East Bay Street remains open throughout the Race.  Traffic off King Street will be re-routed onto St. Philip Street from Spring Street and Beaufain Street.  Traffic on Cannon Street will turn at St. Philip Street and flow north or south.  We would ask you to inform your customers, guests, employees and neighbors to be aware of the road closures and have a plan to get to your businesses, homes or destinations.  You will be able to get through the City in all directions, but it may be time consuming, so please plan ahead.

Race Week Highlights for 39th Annual CRBR

  1. The Bridge Run Expo will be at the Charleston Convention Center on March 31-April 1. CARTA buses will be accessible with their normal routes from the VRTC to the Convention Center for downtown to help downtown participants with pick-up assistance.
  2. Hampton Park will be the site of the Kids Run on Friday, April 1, starting at 11AM.
  3. A Taste of the Bridge Run (ticketed event) will be featured at the Charleston Maritime Center on Friday, April 1, 5PM to 8PM featuring several of our downtown restaurants.
  4. Buses for participants will load Saturday beginning at 5AM to 6:45AM from the Gaillard Auditorium and the Aquarium Garage both on Calhoun Street. After the race loading will only be at the Gaillard Auditorium to return participants to Mt. Pleasant and North Charleston until 1 PM.
  5. Marion Square will be used on Saturday, April 2, along with the streets to host the finish festival area. Set up will begin the week of March 28.
  6. The Parking Garages at the Visitor Center, 34 St. Philp St., and Aquarium will allow Bridge Run participants to park from 5 PM on Friday (4/1) to Saturday (4/2) 2PM for a flat $5.00 rate.
  7. In 2017 the 40th Annual Cooper River Bridge Run is scheduled for APRIL 1!!!
  8. For more info: .


If I can help you, do not hesitate to call me at 720-5098.  Thank you for your continued support and patience.



Paul Wieters|Wellness Coordinator

City of Charleston



Crime Prevention Update Feb 11 2016

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Homecoming week. As we continue to embrace our Cougar pride, here are a few things to pass along from Public Safety:

  • Over the next several weeks, our “Lock It or Lose It” bicycle display will appear in different locations on campus. This display demonstrates the most effective way to secure a bicycle. Securing the bike frame and tire to the rack with a sturdy u-lock greatly reduces the chances of your bike being stolen. Bicycle larcenies continue to be one of the top crimes on the College of Charleston campus. As a reminder, it is important that your bicycle is locked to a designated bicycle rack at all times, even if you are just stepping away for a moment. For more information on how to properly secure your bicycle, stop by Public Safety, or visit this webpage.


  • The Department of Public Safety will be offering training on how to respond if you are encountered with an active shooter. This 45 minute presentation will cover: the definition of an active shooter; statistical realities behind active shooter incidents; how to identify concerning or suspicious behavior; reporting methods; main options for civilian self-defense; and what to do when law enforcement arrives on scene. This training is open to all students, faculty, and staff.

Tuesday, February 16th at 9:30 AM, Stern Center Room 201

Tuesday, March 1st at 10:00 AM, Stern Center Room 201

Wednesday, March 23rd at 3:00 PM, Stern Center Room 409

Thursday, April 7th at 12:00 PM, Stern Center Room 409

Monday, April 11th at 1:00 PM, Stern Center Room 201


  • Public Safety will be hosting several town hall meetings for the campus community during the spring semester.  This is a great opportunity to meet your Public Safety officers, ask questions, and share suggestions, comments, and concerns. Campus community members are always encouraged to actively participate in safety and security around campus. This semester, we will be offering four sessions:


Tuesday, February 23rd at 12:00 PM, Stern Center Room 206 (students)

Wednesday, February 24th at 12:00 PM, Stern Center Room 206 (faculty)

Thursday, February 25th at 10:00 PM, Stern Center Room 206 (staff)

Wednesday, March 2nd at 3:00 PM, Stern Center Room 206 (students)


  • The College of Charleston has several resources to help students, faculty, and staff travel safely around campus. As a reminder, the Department of Public Safety is available 24/7 to provide safety escorts to all students, faculty, and staff. The Cougar Shuttle is available for off-campus transportation on the downtown peninsula seven nights a week from 11:00 P.M. – 3:00 A.M., during the fall and spring semesters. For more resources and safety tips, please click here.


  • If you have not already done so, please review our Guide to Safer Living, which provides an excellent overview of safety and security at the College of Charleston. If you have any questions after reviewing the content, please contact me at, or visit Public Safety’s webpage.


  • Be social with us! If you have not already, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for departmental news, upcoming events, and other important information.  If you are having trouble accessing our pages, please make sure you are signed into your social media account.


Crime Prevention Tip:

Public Safety has received reports of a possible phone scam affecting the local area.  The caller identifies himself as a Microsoft employee and claims they have detected a problem with the customer’s computer. The caller has a strong accent, possibly from India. If you receive a call of this nature, hang up immediately and notify Public Safety.


As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.


Take Care and Be Safe,

PSO Madeline M. Sloan

Crime Prevention Specialist

Department of Public Safety

Office of the President

89 St. Philip Street

Charleston, SC 29424


rad 3


Crime Prevention Update Jan 28 2016

The spring 2016 semester is off to a strong start. As everyone continues to settle in, here are a few things to pass along from Public Safety:

  • As we enter a new semester, now is a good time to review the City of Charleston’s bicycle and skateboard regulations. Public Safety Officers are issuing citations to bicyclists and skateboarders violating these ordinances. This includes: riding on a sidewalk, traveling the wrong way down a one way street, disregarding traffic control devices, etc. As a reminder, bicyclists and skateboarders should ride with the flow of traffic, and obey all traffic signs and signals. Please review the ordinances relating to bicycles and skateboards here.
  • The Department of Public Safety will be offering two R.A.D. classes in the spring 2016 semester.  R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense) is a series of self-defense classes for women. This program will be open to students, faculty, staff, and community members. Please stop by Public Safety headquarters or email to sign up. Below are the dates and times for the spring classes:


Session One

Session Two
2/1/16 5pm-8pm 3/15/16 5pm-8pm
2/3/16 5pm-8pm 3/17/16 5pm-8pm
2/8/16 5pm-8pm 3/22/16 5pm-8pm
2/10/16 5pm-8pm 3/24/16 5pm-8pm



  • The Department of Public Safety will be offering training on how to respond if you are encountered with an active shooter. This 45 minute presentation will cover: the definition of an active shooter; statistical realities behind active shooter incidents; how to identify concerning or suspicious behavior; reporting methods; main options for civilian self-defense; and what to do when law enforcement arrives on scene. This training is open to all students, faculty, and staff.

Spring 2016

Tuesday February 16th at 9:30 am Stern 201

Monday March 1st at 10 am Stern 201

Wednesday March 23rd at 3 pm Stern 409

Thursday April 7th at 12 pm Stern 409

Monday April 11th at 1 pm Stern 201


  • Most of you have probably seen information sent from Public Safety titled, “Timely Warning.” What exactly are these notifications and how are they different from a Cougar Alert?
    • Timely Warning– Narrow focus on Clery crimes. Timely warnings are triggered by crimes that have already occurred but represent an ongoing threat. A Timely Warning is issued for any Clery crime committed in Clery geography that is reported to campus security authorities or a local law enforcement agency and is considered by the institution to represent a serious or continuing threat to students and employees. Warnings are issued as soon as the pertinent information is available.
    • Cougar Alert– Wide focus on any significant emergency or dangerous situation (may include Clery crimes). An emergency notification is triggered by an event that is currently occurring on or imminently threatening the campus. Emergency notification procedures are initiated for any significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on the campus.
  • Be social with us! If you have not already, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for departmental news, upcoming events, and other important information.  If you are having trouble accessing our pages, please make sure you are signed into your social media account.


Crime Prevention Tip:


Many more people start going to the gym or other fitness centers in January. Often they leave their wallets, purses, phones, or computers in cars while they work out. Some put their keys on hooks at the front counter rather than keeping up with them. These practices result in added opportunities for thieves to steal items or even entire vehicles.



As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.


Take Care and Be Safe,


PSO Madeline M. Sloan

Crime Prevention Specialist

Department of Public Safety

Office of the President

89 St. Philip Street

Charleston, SC 29424



Crime Prevention Update Jan 07 2016


Welcome back! I hope everyone had a happy and safe holiday. As we kick off the spring semester, here are a few things to pass along from Public Safety:

  • A warm welcome to all new students, faculty, and staff who are joining us for the Spring 2016 semester. If you have not already done so, please review our Guide to Safer Living, which provides an excellent overview of safety and security at the College of Charleston. If you have any questions as you acquaint yourself to campus, please contact me at, or visit Public Safety’s webpage.
  • Since the season of gift giving has just come to a close, now is an opportune time to remind everyone of Public Safety’s Operation ID and Computer registration program. For those of you returning to campus with computers, cell phones, and other electronics, please stop by Public Safety to register your items. We will keep serial numbers and other important information about your valuables on file. Having this information will assist with the recovery and return process in the event your item is lost or stolen. This service is available 24/7, so stop by anytime.


  • The Department of Public Safety will be offering two R.A.D. classes in the spring 2016 semester.  R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense) is a series of self-defense classes for women. This program will be open to students, faculty, staff, and community members. Please stop by Public Safety headquarters or email to sign up. Below are the dates and times for the spring classes:


Session One Session Two
2/1/16 5pm-8pm 3/15/16 5pm-8pm
2/3/16 5pm-8pm 3/17/16 5pm-8pm
2/8/16 5pm-8pm 3/22/16 5pm-8pm
2/10/16 5pm-8pm 3/24/16 5pm-8pm



  • The Department of Public Safety will be hosting several events available to the campus community throughout the spring semester. Please keep an eye out for additional information on these programs. We look forward to your attendance and participation.


  • Be social with us! If you have not already, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for departmental news, upcoming events, and other important information. If you are having trouble accessing our pages, please make sure you are signed into your social media account.


Crime Prevention Tip:

It is common when the weather is cold to see cars warming up in the mornings, either in driveways or complex parking lots. Sometimes, people also leave their cars running when they go into a business “for just a minute.” Both situations are a recipe for a car theft. We generally recommend against either practice. If you must warm a vehicle take every precaution:

  • Block the vehicle in with another car
  • Use The Club or similar device on the steering wheel
  • Use all available security features on your vehicle ( key-less entry also often has “remote start” which starts the engine but prevents the car from going anywhere without a key. )


As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.


Take Care and Be Safe,


PSO Madeline M. Sloan

Crime Prevention Specialist

Department of Public Safety

Office of the President

89 St. Philip Street

Charleston, SC 29424
