Author Archives: cloudjh

COMMUNITY NOTIFICATION – Burglary/Aggravated Assault

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the “Clery Act”), 20 U.S.C. 1092 (f), the College of Charleston issues timely notices to notify the campus community of Clery Act crimes or other serious incidents that the College determines represent a serious and ongoing threat to the campus. The College may distribute timely notices using a variety of means, including emails, text messages, flyers, and website announcements posted on the Campus Safety website.

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act, the Department of Public Safety is informing the College of Charleston campus community of an off-campus burglary/robbery.

Incident:  Burglary/Aggravated Assault
Date:  August 20, 2014
Time:  0200 hours (2:00 am)
Reported to:    Charleston City Police Department or College Of Charleston Department of Public Safety
Report # 14-13953
Location:  132 Smith Street, Charleston, SC

Suspects’ status:  One black female; two (2) black male suspects are at large. One Black Female was stopped at 0205 at the intersection of Coming Street and Calhoun Street, no positive identification was made.

Incident description:  At around 2:00 am the victim heard a knock at the back door and, when he answered the door, encountered two black males with shirts pulled up covering their faces and one black female; one of the male suspects was brandishing a knife.  The suspects forced their way into the residence and the victim was cut during the altercation.

Suspect Description:   Black female with short dreds and wearing tight dark colored shorts and a dark colored hooded jacket.  Two (2) black males both wearing dark hooded jackets which were discovered discarded near by the incident location.  No other description(s) are available at this time.

Important Message:  It is important to note that the victim/survivor is never the cause of the criminal offense.  The College does not tolerate this behavior.

Keep emergency numbers either programmed into your phone or readily accessible. Keep doors and windows locked at all times, even when you are at home. Do not hold doors open or allow access to building for people you do not know. Report safety and security issues around your residence to the proper authority, to include: overgrown plants, damaged locks, burnt out lights, etc. Do not keep large amounts of cash in your residence. Ensure all doors and windows are locked when you leave. Do not place valuable items in places where they are seen from outside. Mark and photograph your valuable items to assist in recovery. Do not keep spare keys in obvious hiding places. If you return to your residence and you think is has been illegally entered, do not go in, immediately call Law Enforcement.

If you observe unusual activity, try to remember details as best you can. For example, what a person was wearing or any other identifiers like scars, tattoos or shoes. Please always be aware of your surroundings, avoid walking alone at night, and notify Law Enforcement immediately if you observe potentially dangerous situations or individuals.


Public Safety is available to provide escorts on-campus and the Cougar Shuttle (888.960.2227) is available for off-campus transportation on the downtown peninsula seven nights a week from 11:00 P.M. – 3:00 A.M., during the fall and spring semesters.  For addition safety tips, visit

Get Involved and Make a Difference:  The College encourages the prompt reporting of all crimes, On-campus contact Public Safety (843.953.5611), and off-campus (911).

Oftentimes, students are present when a crime is about to happen and bystander intervention is one method students may use to help prevent a crime from happening.  Learn how to develop this skill and safely intervene.  Contact the Office of Victim Services at 843.953.2273.

Victim Assistance:  Enrolled College of Charleston students who become victims of serious crime are encouraged to get victim assistance by contacting the Office of Victim Services (843.953.2273). Comprehensive services, including assistance with missed classes/academic disruption, are available regardless of the incident location, or if the student elected to file an official report, or not.

If you have any information regarding the crime indicated above, please contact:

City of Charleston Police Department
Emergencies: 911
Non-Emergency: 577-7434
Crime Stoppers: (Anonymous Reporting 554-1111)

College of Charleston Campus Police
Emergencies: 953-5611
Non-Emergency: 953-5609 (Administrative Line)
Crime Action Line: (Anonymous Reporting) 953-4988
Silent Witness:

Crime Prevention Update – Aug 06

PSO Madeline Sloan

PSO Madeline Sloan

Good Morning-

I hope everyone is enjoying these last few weeks of summer break.  In the meantime, here are a few things to pass along from Public Safety:

  • First and foremost, I would like to thank those of you who have taken an active interest in Public Safety’s Crime Prevention initiative. I have received numerous emails and have met with many of you over the past few weeks. I truly appreciate your involvement and concern with the safety and security of our campus community.
  • Officer Rodgers and I will be attending R.A.D. Instructor Training at the end of this week. R.A.D. (Rape-Aggression Defense) is a series of four self-defense classes for women. This program will be open to students, faculty, staff, and community members. Please stop by Public Safety headquarters or email to sign up.  Below are the dates and times for the fall class:

FALL 2014                                                                                      

9/08 5:00 pm- 8:00 pm
9/10 5:00 pm- 8:00 pm
9/15 5:00 pm- 8:00 pm
9/17 5:00 pm- 8:00 pm

  • Over the next few months, there will be on-going construction in the area of J lot and Jewish Studies. With the increase in activity, please continue to stay observant and report any suspicious activity you may see to Public Safety. Remember, you can report any non-emergency anonymously by calling the Crime Action Line 843.953.4998 or by filling out a Silent Witness form on our website.
  • As a reminder, Campus Safety Awareness Month is in September. We have several events planned throughout the month. If your campus group or organization would like to team up with Public Safety on hosting a presentation or event, we would be more than happy to collaborate on this initiative. Please contact Sergeant Jake Muse  by August 17th if you plan to participate.
  • Be social with us! If you have not already, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for departmental news, upcoming events, and other important information.  If you are having trouble accessing our pages, please make sure you are signed into your social media account.

Crime Prevention Tip: Always be alert and vigilant, especially when traveling alone. Although many of us enjoy listening to music while walking or jogging, wearing headphones or earbuds eliminates one of our senses and interferes with our awareness.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.

Take Care and Be Safe,

PSO Madeline M. Sloan
Department of Public Safety
Office of the President
89 St. Philip Street
Charleston, SC 29424

Crime Prevention Update – Jul 10

PSO Madeline Sloan

PSO Madeline Sloan

Good Morning-

I hope all of you had a happy and safe Fourth of July weekend. It is hard to believe how quickly this summer is passing by.  Here are a few things to pass along from Public Safety:

  • Most College of Charleston employees work in positions that require interaction with all types of people. Although a majority of these interactions are positive, there may be occasions where you are faced to deal with a disgruntled parent, student, or visitor. Public Safety is offering training on how to respond in these situations. This training will include: communication tactics; locating and properly using panic buttons; information to gather when reporting these incidents; and any specific concerns you may have. Please contact me if your department is interested in this training.
  • Last month, several of our officers attended Trauma Informed Sexual Assault Investigations Training. This course was taught by Pamela Jacobs, an attorney and advocate for sexual assault and domestic violence victims. The training was provided by P.A.R. (People Against Rape) for several local law enforcement agencies.
  • The Department of Public Safety has voluntarily committed to the process of Law Enforcement Accreditation with CALEA (The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc.) and, as such, has been in the self-assessment phase of the reaccreditation process since our initial award in 2011. The department was first awarded accreditation by CALEA on November 19, 2011, and Joint Accreditation by IACLEA (International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators) on June 12, 2012. CALEA is a credentialing authority that aims to improve Public Safety services by: maintaining a body of professional standards covering a wide range of contemporary public safety initiatives; establishing and administering an accreditation process; and recognizing professional excellence. The International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA) advances public safety for educational institutions by providing educational resources, advocacy, and professional development services. IACLEA is the leading voice for the campus public safety community. During the reaccreditation process, representatives from CALEA will be visiting campus to assess files, participate in ride-alongs in the patrol vehicles, interview officers, and much more. This process is to ensure that the department is complying with the spirit and intent of each CALEA standard.  If you would like more information on the history of Public Safety’s joint accreditation, the benefits, or any general information on CALEA or IACLEA, please  contact Sergeant Bob Beaudry ( or X3-7840, or visit the Public Safety webpage.
  • As a reminder, Campus Safety Awareness Month is in September. We have several events planned throughout the month. If your campus group or organization would like to team up with Public Safety on hosting a presentation or event, we would be more than happy to collaborate on this initiative. Please contact Sergeant Jake Muse ( with questions or suggestions.
  • Be social with us! If you have not already, please follow us on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram for departmental news, upcoming events, and other important information.

Crime Prevention Tip: When vacationing this summer, take precautions to make your house look like you are still home. Have a trusted neighbor collect mail, newspapers, and move garbage and recycling  bins at appropriate times. You may also consider having lights or radios placed on timers.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.
At CrimePrevention@COFC.EDU or

Take care and be safe,

PSO Madeline M. Sloan
Department of Public Safety
Division of Student Affairs
89 St. Philip Street
Charleston, SC 29424

Public Safety’s Ellen Kilgore receives 2014 Staff Award

Ellen Kilgore

Ellen Kilgore and President P. George Benson

Congratulations to Ellen Kilgore our 2014 Staff Award Recipient from the Celebration of Staff Lunch on June 12, 2014!

The 9 recipients were selected from more than 150 nominations. The Student Affairs Division is very proud to have two Staff Award Recipients, Ellen Kilgore, of Public Safety, and Rhonda Kalil M.D., Medical Director/Psychiatrist of Counseling and Substance Abuse.

Public Safety offers our big congratulations to our own Ellen Kilgore, awarded the Permanent Staff Member of the Year (Presidential Award recipient $1,500).

COMMUNITY NOTIFICATION: Aggravated Assault – Off Campus

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act, the Department of Public Safety is informing the College of Charleston campus community of an off-campus assault.

Incident:  Aggravated Assault
Date:  May 2, 2014
Time:  2:10 AM
Reported to: Charleston City Police Department
CPD Report # 14-06961
Location:  20 Burns Lane, Charleston, SC
Suspects’ status:  At large

Incident description:  The victim was walking through a cut-through on Burns Lane at approximately 2:00 a.m. when he was yelled at by approximately 4-5 individuals in a silver sedan.  Victim stated he made a remark back to the individuals and kept walking. When the victim turned around he saw the sedan proceeding toward him and jumped up on the hood to avoid injury.  Victim stated he then rolled off the hood of the vehicle and began running toward 20 Burns Lane and attempted to enter the residence but, it was locked.  He was then repeatedly assaulted by closed fists and kicks until he was unconscious.

Suspect Description:   The suspects were described as white males between the ages 0f 19-22, average build, approximately 6 feet tall.   One of the males was described as having shoulder length blonde hair.

Important Message:  It is important to note that the victim/survivor is never the cause of the criminal offense.  The College does not tolerate this behavior. It is not believed that the suspects are students of the College.

Public Safety is available to provide escorts on-campus and the Cougar Shuttle (888.960.2227) is available for off-campus transportation on the downtown peninsula seven nights a week from 11:00 P.M. – 3:00 A.M., during the fall and spring semesters.  For addition risk reduction tips, visit

Get Involved and Make a Difference:  The College encourages the prompt reporting of all crimes, On-campus contact Public Safety (843.953.5611), and off-campus (911).

Oftentimes, students are present when a crime is about to happen and bystander intervention is one method students may use to help prevent an assault from happening.  Learn how to develop this skill and safely intervene.  Contact the Office of Victim Services at 843.95.2273.

Victim Assistance:  Enrolled College of Charleston students who become victims of serious crime are encouraged to get victim assistance by contacting the Office of Victim Services (843.953.2273). Comprehensive services, including assistance with missed classes/academic disruption, are available regardless of the incident location, or if the student elected to file an official report, or not.

If you have any information regarding the crime indicated above, please contact:

College of Charleston Campus Police
Emergencies: 953-5611
Non-Emergency: 953-5609 (Administrative Line)
Crime Action Line: (Anonymous Reporting) 953-4988
Silent Witness:

City of Charleston Police Department
Emergencies: 911
Non-Emergency: 577-7434
Crime Stoppers: (Anonymous Reporting 554-1111)

Community Notification

Arrest Made March 3, 2014 for February 23, 2014 Off Campus Assault The Department of Public Safety is informing the College of Charleston campus community that an arrest has been made, by City of Charleston Police Department, regarding the below incident which was reported in a Community Notification dated February 24, 2014.  We would like thank everyone who provided information that may have assisted in the investigation and which led to the arrest of the following suspect:

Incident:  Assault and Battery 2nd Degree (stranger)
Date:  February 23, 2014 Time:  10:55 P.M.
Reported to: Charleston City Police Department CPD Report # 14-02968
Location:  St. Philip and Warren Streets
Suspect status:  Arrested on March 3, 2014
Suspect Description: Savon Malik SIMMONS
Gender: Male
DOB:     05/09/1995
Weight: 150 lbs.
Glasses:  Large Black Designer Frames
Race:  Black
Height:  5’6”

Original Posting: In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act, the Department of Public Safety
is informing the College of Charleston campus community of an off-campus

Incident:  Assault (stranger)
Date:  February 23, 2014 Time:  10:55 P.M.
Reported to: Charleston City Police Department CPD Report # 14-02968
Location:  St. Philip and Warren Streets
Suspect status:  At large

Incident description:  The suspect followed a female student from the area of the Addlestone Library, north on Coming Street and east on Warren.  Near the intersection of St. Philip and Warren Streets the suspect approached the victim and asked her for the time.  She replied and continued walking.  The suspect then came at her from behind and grabbed her on her buttocks and then ran off north on St. Philip Street.

Suspect Description:

Gender: MaleHeight:  5’7” – 5’9”


Build: Average

Race:  Black

Age:  18 – 20 yrs.


Hair: unknownShirt: Dark Hoodie

Pants: Dark Jeans

Shoes: Dark Sneakers

Hat: Cap with Brim

Glasses:  Large Black Designer Frames

Primary Prevention Strategies:   When out walking, especially during hours of darkness, walk in lighted areas, in groups, and use routes that are populated by others.  Perpetrators often use alcohol or drugs as tools to aid in facilitating sexual violence.  These substances impair one’s ability to detect risky/ dangerous situations, recognize how to get out of a dangerous situation or get help, physically react, or clearly communicate when in potentially dangerous situations.  When out at a party, make your own drink, do not drink from an open container. When at a restaurant or bar, watch your drink being made.  Do not drink anything that has an unusual taste, color or texture.  Keep your drink in your hand at all.  Non-alcoholic beverages can be dosed.  Do not leave any place with someone you just met.  Have a designated buddy.


Community Notification: Motor Vehicle Theft

Incident: Motor Vehicle Theft (moped)
Date/Time: 3 February 2012 9:45am – 2:00pm
Location: Outside of 35 Saint Philip Street (George Street Garage)
Suspects’ Description:  Unknown
Incident Description: Victim reported his 2011 black in color TaoTao Moped was parked in a small out cove on the south side of the parking garage near Saint Philip Street where bicycles are normally kept and when he returned he found it missing.
Note:  In addition to this incident there was another moped stolen during this time frame near the School of Business.  This moped has since been recovered.

Community Notification – Sexual Assault

On Monday, October 21, 2013, the College of Charleston Department of Public Safety received a report of a sexual assault occurring On October 19, 2013, in an parking area in downtown Charleston, SC. The victim reported she had been with friends at an off campus apartment consuming alcohol. The victim left the apartment with the suspect who is an acquaintance. The victim and the suspect walked off campus to a parked vehicle and got into the vehicle which is where the alleged sexual assault occurred. The victim did not know where the vehicle was parked at the time. Both the victim and the suspect are College of Charleston students. This report is being investigated by SLED with the assistance of the Department of Public Safety. (OCA 2013-C-0516) No additional information is available at this time.


On Monday morning, October 21, 2013, the Charleston City Police Department received a report of a sexual assault occurring in an apartment in the area of King Street and Burns Lane Charleston, SC. The victim reported she had been with a group of friends at an alcohol establishment consuming alcohol. The group then left the establishment and went to the apartment where they continued to consume alcohol. The victim stated she woke up to the suspect, one of the friends of the victim, sexually assaulting her. The Charleston City Police Department is currently investigating this offense (OCA 13-17079). The victim is not a College of Charleston student. No additional information is available at this time.

COMMUNITY NOTIFICATION: Sexual Assault – Off Campus

On Friday morning, September 6, 2013, at approximately 2:45 am, a female victim (not a CofC student) was sexually assaulted inside an apartment in the area of King and Society Streets, Charleston, SC. The suspect is alleged to be a White Male, approximately 25 years of age, 5’8” with a medium build, short brown hair, pointy nose.

The City of Charleston Police are investigating the reported crime. No additional information is available at this time.