Public Safety Crime Prevention Update

By | April 11, 2019

Good Morning Campus Community,


Here are a few things to pass along from Public Safety:


  • The safety and security of the campus is a community effort. Please continue to stay observant and report any suspicious activity you may see to Public Safety. Remember, you can report any non-emergency anonymously by calling the Crime Action Line (843)953-4998 or by filling out a Silent Witness form on our website.


  • The Department of Public Safety’s webpage is an excellent source for crime prevention information and other safety materials. Visit our webpage to access the 360 Stay Safe at College videos, or check out our Guide to Safer Living. You can also find information on surviving an active shooter incident and how to handle a bomb threat.


  • For those who use mail services on campus, please familiarize yourself with what items can and cannot be sent through the mail. For safety reasons, there are certain items that may not be shipped through the mail. To find out more information on shipping restrictions, please visit the US Postal Service’s website.


  • Do you have concerns about a student’s possible substance abuse, mental health, or worrisome/disruptive behavior?  FAST is an online reporting tool available to facilitate reporting concerns about students so that specialized College staff may better provide help to students who are having academic, financial, or personal problems that will keep them from succeeding at the College.  To make a referral using the FAST reporting system, please click here. Please be aware that the FAST system is not an emergency hotline. For an on-campus emergency, please call Public Safety.



Crime Prevention Tip:


Use good judgement and maintain awareness of your surroundings when attending social events. If at any point, you or a friend feels disoriented or unusually intoxicated from what you have consumed, leave the bar or party immediately. Get medical help if necessary. Read the Good Samaritan/Medical Amnesty policy here. The policy grants conditional amnesty from any student conduct action to students needing help or requesting medical assistance on another student’s behalf for an alcohol or drug problem.


Take care and be safe. 


Robert S. Reese,  M.S.M.

Chief of Police

Office of the President

College of Charleston

Campus Safety and Security Area

89 St.Philip Street

Charleston, SC 29424

843-953-2468 (office )

843-953-2105 ( fax )


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