TIMELY WARNING – Motor Vehicle Theft
In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the “Clery Act”), 20 U.S.C. 1092 (f), the College of Charleston issues timely notices to notify the campus community of Clery Act crimes or other serious incidents that the College determines represent a serious and ongoing threat to the campus. The College may distribute timely notices using a variety of means, including emails, text messages, flyers, and website announcements posted on the Campus Safety websitehttps://blogs.charleston.edu/publicsafety/category/community-notification/
In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Act, the Department of Public Safety is informing the College of Charleston campus community of a motor vehicle theft.
Incident: Motor Vehicle Theft
Date: 12/08/2017
Time: 2:30AM – 2:35AM
Reported to: Charleston City Police Department
Report # 17-21081
Location: Across from Jimmy Johns located at 51 George Street, Charleston, SC
Suspects’ status: At – Large
Incident description: The victim parked his vehicle, running/keys in ignition, on George Street directly across from Jimmy Johns. The victim went inside of Jimmy Johns for approximately 5-10 minutes and upon returning outside, discovered his vehicle was missing.
Suspect Description: Unknown description.
Important Message: It is important to note that the victim/survivor is never the cause of the criminal offense. The College does not tolerate this behavior.
Report suspicious activity to Law Enforcement immediately and provide as much descriptive information as is possible. Keep emergency numbers either programmed into your phone or readily accessible. Keep doors locked and windows shut. Never leave your keys in the vehicle while it is unattended. Park your vehicle in well -lit and highly visible areas. Be aware if someone in another vehicle bumps you from behind. If you feel you were bumped intentionally, lock you vehicle and contact Law Enforcement immediately. Keep a record of descriptive information about your vehicle: Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), License Plate number, make, model, color, and unique characteristics.
If you observe unusual activity, try to remember details as best you can. For example, what a person was wearing or any other identifiers like scars, tattoos or shoes. Please always be aware of your surroundings, avoid walking alone at night, and notify Law Enforcement immediately if you observe potentially dangerous situations or individuals.
Public Safety is available to provide escorts on-campus and the Cougar Shuttle (888.960.2227) is available for off-campus transportation on the downtown peninsula seven nights a week from 11:00 P.M. – 3:00 A.M., during the fall and spring semesters. For addition safety tips, visit http://publicsafety.cofc.edu/staying-safe/index.php.
Get Involved and Make a Difference: The College encourages the prompt reporting of all crimes, On-campus contact Public Safety (843.953.5611), and off-campus (911).
Oftentimes, students are present when a crime is about to happen and bystander intervention is one method students may use to help prevent a crime from happening. Learn how to develop this skill and safely intervene. Contact the Office of Victim Services at 843.953.2273.
Victim Assistance: Enrolled College of Charleston students who become victims of serious crime are encouraged to get victim assistance by contacting the Office of Victim Services (843.953.2273). Comprehensive services, including assistance with missed classes/academic disruption, are available regardless of the incident location, or if the student elected to file an official report, or not.
If you have any information regarding the crime indicated above, please contact:
City of Charleston Police Department
Emergencies: 911
Non-Emergency: 577-7434
Crime Stoppers: (Anonymous Reporting 554-1111)
Emergencies: 911
Non-Emergency: 577-7434
Crime Stoppers: (Anonymous Reporting 554-1111)
College of Charleston Campus Police
Emergencies: 953-5611
Non-Emergency: 953-5609 (Administrative Line)
Crime Action Line: (Anonymous Reporting) 953-4998
Silent Witness: http://publicsafety.cofc.edu/contact-us/silent-witness/index.php
Emergencies: 953-5611
Non-Emergency: 953-5609 (Administrative Line)
Crime Action Line: (Anonymous Reporting) 953-4998
Silent Witness: http://publicsafety.cofc.edu/contact-us/silent-witness/index.php