Good Morning Campus Community,I hope everyone had a happy and safe Spring Break. Here are a few things to pass along from Public Safety:
- You may have noticed signs around campus highlighting Public Safety’s “See Something, Say Something” initiative. This is a national campaign that raises public awareness of the importance of reporting suspicious activity to local law enforcement. We all play a role in keeping the campus safe. For more information on identifying and reporting suspicious activity, please visit the Department of Homeland Security’s website.
- Recently, there has been an increase in motor vehicle thefts and thefts from motor vehicles in the Charleston area. Please take necessary precautions to protect your personal property. Never leave the vehicle running while unattended. Be sure to park in well-lit areas and avoid leaving valuable property inside your vehicle. Most importantly, always lock your vehicle. Trends in auto thefts indicate that over half of vehicles stolen are left unlocked at the time of theft. More information can be found here.
- April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) has new materials to support our campus‘ 2018 campaign. The NSVRC provides information and tools to prevent and respond to sexual violence, works with the media to promote informed reporting, and leads the SAAM campaign in April to educate and engage the public in addressing this widespread issue. Teal is the official color of SAAM, and the teal ribbon is the symbol of sexual violence prevention. This year SAAM is celebrating its 17th anniversary with the theme “Embrace Your Voice” to inform individuals on how they can use their words to promote safety, respect, and equality to stop sexual violence.
- The Department of Public Safety will be offering training on how to respond if you are encountered with an active shooter. This 45 minute presentation will cover: the definition of an active shooter; statistical realities behind active shooter incidents; how to identify concerning or suspicious behavior; reporting methods; main options for civilian self-defense; and what to do when law enforcement arrives on scene. This training is open to all students, faculty, and staff.
Active Shooter Spring 2018Wednesday April 4th – Stern Center room 409 @ 10 am and 2 pm
Thursday April 5th – Stern Center room 409 @ 10 am and 2 pmCrime Prevention Tip:
Use good judgment and maintain awareness of your surroundings when attending social events. If at any point, you or a friend feels disoriented or unusually intoxicated from what you have consumed, leave the bar or party immediately. Get medical help if necessary. Read the Good Samaritan/Medical Amnesty policy here.This policy grants conditional amnesty from any student conduct action to students needing help or requesting medical assistance on another student’s behalf for an alcohol or drug problem.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.
Take Care and Be Safe,
Robert S. Reese, M.S.M.Chief of Police
Office of the President
College of Charleston
Campus Safety and Security Area
89 St. Philip Street
Charleston, SC 29424
843-953-2468 (office)
843-953-2105 (fax)