Good Morning Campus Community,
It is hard to believe how quickly the spring semester is passing by. With March right around the corner, here are a few things to pass along from Public Safety:
- There has been an increase of bicycle thefts on campus. Many of the bicycles targeted were secured using a cable lock or not locked at all. Invest in a sturdy u-lock, and ensure that you are locking up your bicycle properly. The safest place to lock up your bicycle is a designated bicycle rack. A map of all campus bike racks can be found here. For more information on the proper way to lock your bicycle, ask one of your Public Safety Officers.
- With spring break quickly approaching, please take proper precautions to keep you and your valuables safe. When leaving your residence for spring break, make sure all doors and windows are secure. Consider taking items of value with you or secure them in a safe location. If you live off campus in the downtown area, you may contact the Charleston Police Department ((843) 577-7434) and request checks of your residence while you are out of town.
- As the weather is warming up, most of us will be spending more time outdoors and staying out later. Please take a moment to review the Campus Night Map. This map features the recommended route for night travel based on adequate lighting and access to emergency call boxes. In addition to this resource, safety escorts for campus travel are available to all students, faculty, staff, and visitors 24/7.
- The Department of Public Safety’s webpage is an excellent source for crime prevention information and other safety materials. Visit our webpage to access the 360 Stay Safe at College videos, or check out our Guide to Safer Living. You can also find information on surviving an active shooter incident and how to handle a bomb threat.
- The Department of Public Safety will continue to offer training on how to respond if you are encountered with an active shooter. The dates of training are listed below. I will update you all soon on times and location. We look forward to seeing you on one of the dates listed below.
This 45-minute presentation will cover: the definition of an active shooter; statistical realities behind active shooter incidents; how to identify concerning or suspicious behavior; reporting methods; main options for civilian self-defense; and what to do when law enforcement arrives on scene. This training is open to all students, faculty, and staff.
Active Shooter Spring 2018
Wednesday March 14th – Location TBD
Thursday March 15th – Location TBD
Wednesday April 4th – Location TBD
Thursday April 5th – Location TBD
Thursday March 15th – Location TBD
Wednesday April 4th – Location TBD
Thursday April 5th – Location TBD
- Be social with us! If you have not already, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for departmental news, upcoming events, and other important information. If you are having trouble accessing our pages, please make sure you are signed into your social media account.
Crime Prevention Tip:
Simply locking your door can greatly reduce your risk of being a victim of theft. If you leave your room or office, even if it is just for a moment, be sure to secure the door behind you.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact the Department of Public Safety with any questions, comments, or concerns.
Take Care and Be Safe,
Robert S. Reese, M.S.M.
Chief of Police
Office of the President
College of Charleston
Campus Safety and Security Area
89 St. Philip Street
Charleston, SC 29424
843-953-2468 (office)
843-953-2105 (fax)