It is hard to believe how quickly the semester is passing by. I hope everyone had a happy and safe Halloween. As we continue into the fall semester, here are a few things to pass along from Public Safety:
- Recently, there have been several burglaries in the area immediately adjacent to the campus. Whether you live on or off campus, please make sure that you are locking all doors, windows, and other points of entry into the residence. Lock all outside doors and windows before you leave the house or go to bed. Do not leave valuables in plain sight. Be a good neighbor. If you notice anything suspicious, notify Public Safety or local law enforcement immediately.
- This weekend we will experience the end of Daylight Savings Time, and accordingly turn our clocks back an hour. Our evenings will become darker much earlier, and activities around campus will continue far past nightfall. Activities that used to occur in the daylight will now occur in the darkness: going to your vehicle after work, walking home from class, attending a campus meeting or event. With the early onset of nightfall, we must make adjustments to our daily routines. Please take a moment to review safety tips here.
- With fall break quickly approaching, please take proper precautions to keep you and your valuables safe. When leaving your residence for fall break, make sure all doors and windows are secure. Consider bringing items of value with you, or secure them in a safe location. If you are traveling, do not pack your vehicle and leave it overnight prior to your departure.
- The Department of Public Safety will be conducting our annual Campus Safety Walk on November 16, 2016 at 5:30pm. We will meet in the lobby of Stern Center. This is an opportunity for members of the College of Charleston community to discuss safety and security concerns. During the event, attendees will walk the campus with a Public Safety Officer and point out any evident concerns. Pizza and beverages will be provided.
- Be social with us! If you have not already, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for departmental news, upcoming events, and other important information. If you are having trouble accessing our pages, please make sure you are signed into your social media account.
Crime Prevention Tip:
Did you know that Public Safety provides security surveys for students living on campus? Please contact Officer Sloan ( to schedule a security survey of your on-campus residence. Students living off-campus may request a security survey by contacting the Charleston Police Department’s Crime Prevention Unit. You may also pick up a home security checklist at Public Safety.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.
Take Care and Be Safe,
PSO Madeline M. Sloan
Crime Prevention Specialist
Department of Public Safety
Office of the President
89 St. Philip Street
Charleston, SC 29424