I’m sure everyone is staying busy making final preparations for the return of our students. As we anticipate the increased activity on campus, here are a few things to pass along from Public Safety:
- Bicyclists and skateboarders, please take a moment to review the bicycle and skateboard laws. Public Safety Officers will be issuing citations to bicyclists and skateboarders violating the City of Charleston’s bicycle and skateboard regulations. This includes: riding on a sidewalk, traveling the wrong way down a one way street, disregarding traffic control devices, etc. As a reminder, bicyclists and skateboarders should ride with the flow of traffic, and follow all traffic laws that apply to motor vehicles. A copy of the Skateboard Ordinance and bicycle guidelines can be picked up at Public Safety Headquarters. If you would like additional information, feel free to contact me.
- National Campus Safety Awareness Month is in September. Throughout the month, the Department of Public Safety will be hosting several programs and events to promote general health and safety on campus. Please stay tuned for additional information to come.
- The Department of Public Safety, in partnership with the Office of Sustainability and Student Government Association, is in the process of implementing the new bicycle parking system in the area of the Bell Building, McAlister Residence Hall, and Berry Residence Hall. If you park your bicycle in this area, please familiarize yourself with these assignments. Please direct any questions to Craig Bennett at cabennet1@cofc.edu.
- Be social with us! If you have not already, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for departmental news, upcoming events, and other important information. If you are having trouble accessing our pages, please make sure you are signed into your social media account.
Crime Prevention Tip:
Upon returning from vacation, BEFORE you go in the house, do a quick walk-around and make sure you don’t see any windows or doors broken or anything else wrong. If you do see where someone may have entered you home DO NOT GO IN! Back away and call 911. Wait for police to arrive and clear the interior for your safety.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.
Take Care and Be Safe,
PSO Madeline M. Sloan
Crime Prevention Specialist
Department of Public Safety
Office of the President
89 St. Philip Street
Charleston, SC 29424