With August just around the corner, the campus has been bustling as we all prepare for the return of our students. As July comes to a close, here are a few things to pass along from Public Safety:
- Mopeds are being stolen at an alarming pace in the low-country. Please take appropriate measures to protect your personal property. Here are some tips to prevent you from becoming the next victim.
- Most of you have probably seen information sent from Public Safety titled, “Timely Warning.” What exactly are these notifications and how are they different from a Cougar Alert?
- Timely Warning– Narrow focus on Clery crimes. Timely warnings are triggered by crimes that have already occurred but represent an ongoing threat. A Timely Warning is issued for any Clery crime committed in Clery geography that is reported to campus security authorities or a local law enforcement agency and is considered by the institution to represent a serious or continuing threat to students and employees. Warnings are issued as soon as the pertinent information is available.
- Cougar Alert– Wide focus on any significant emergency or dangerous situation (may include Clery crimes). An emergency notification is triggered by an event that is currently occurring on or imminently threatening the campus. Emergency notification procedures are initiated for any significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on the campus.
- The Department of Public Safety will be offering training on how to respond if you are encountered with an active shooter. We are available to attend staff meetings, student organization meetings, classes, etc. This 45 minute presentation will cover: the definition of an active shooter; statistical realities behind active shooter incidents; how to identify concerning or suspicious behavior; reporting methods; main options for civilian self-defense; and what to do when law enforcement arrives on scene. This training is open to all students, faculty, and staff. More information can be found on our webpage.
- Be social with us! If you have not already, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for departmental news, upcoming events, and other important information. If you are having trouble accessing our pages, please make sure you are signed into your social media account.
Crime Prevention Tip:
Many of us have seen recent news articles surrounding safety concerns about the Pokémon Go App. Before downloading the app or planning your next outing, please take a moment to review these safety tips.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.
Take Care and Be Safe,
PSO Madeline M. Sloan
Department of Public Safety
Office of the President
89 St. Philip Street
Charleston, SC 29424