Crime Prevention Update June 16, 2016

By | June 16, 2016

As summer is heating up, so are things around campus. For most of us, this is the time for preparation and planning.  Like all of you, we have been working hard to have campus ready while we await the return of our students in the fall. Here are a few things to pass along from Public Safety:

  • The Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Bombing Prevention (OBP) has recently released a video that offers guidance on how to respond if you receive a bomb threat. Please take a moment to review this short production on Public Safety’s webpage. Copies of the Bomb Threat Procedures and Checklist are available at Public Safety Headquarters for your convenience. More information on this topic can be found on the Department of Homeland Security’s Office for Bomb Prevention’s website.
  • Recently, the Department of Public Safety was notified of a possible phone scam in which the caller contacted a campus extension. Although this appears to be an isolated incident, please remain observant when taking calls from unfamiliar numbers. Taking the following precautions can help protect you against fraud:
    • Never give out personal information to someone you did not initiate contact with.
    • Before signing up for a contest or e-mail distribution list, make sure the business has a policy not to share your information or sell it to a third party.
    • Be leery of anyone you did not initiate contact with who asks for payment using a third party such as MoneyGram or GreenDot prepaid cards.
    • Scammers count on your lack of knowledge, so take the time to educate yourself about any offer you receive.
  • Campus Safety Awareness Month is in September. We have several events planned throughout the month. If your campus group or organization would like to team up with Public Safety on hosting a presentation or event, we would be more than happy to collaborate on this initiative. Please contact me with any questions or suggestions.
  • For those who will remain on campus throughout the summer, please continue to stay vigilant and report any suspicious activity you may see to Public Safety. Remember, you can report any non-emergency anonymously by calling the Crime Action Line (843)953-4998 or by filling out a Silent Witness form on our website.
  • Be social with us! If you have not already, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for departmental news, upcoming events, and other important information.  If you are having trouble accessing our pages, please make sure you are signed into your social media account.


Crime Prevention Tip:

In any bomb threat situation, check your work area for unfamiliar items. Do not touch suspicious items; report them to Public Safety at (843) 953-5609. Take personal belongings when you leave. Leave doors and windows open and do not turn light switches on or off. Use stairs only; do not use elevators.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.


Take Care and Be Safe,


PSO Madeline M. Sloan

Crime Prevention Specialist

Department of Public Safety

Office of the President

89 St. Philip Street

Charleston, SC 29424




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