Crime Prevention Update Feb 05 2015

By | February 5, 2015

Happy Homecoming week! I hope everyone has fun and remains safe while celebrating the Homecoming festivities. As we unmask our cougar pride, here are a few things to pass along from Public Safety:

  • As a follow up from last semester’s sessions, Public Safety will be hosting several town hall meetings for the campus community. This is a great opportunity to meet your Public Safety officers, ask questions, and share suggestions, comments, and concerns. As always, I encourage you to actively participate in safety and security around campus, so I anticipate a good turnout! All sessions will be held in Stern Center room 206. Refreshments and snacks will be served. Below are the date and times for the town hall meetings:
    • 02/10/14 3:30pm Student session
    • 02/19/14 12pm Faculty session
    • 02/24/14 2:30pm Staff session


  • Have you ever had concerns about a student’s possible substance abuse, mental health, or worrisome/disruptive behavior? FAST is an online reporting tool available to facilitate reporting concerns about students so that specialized College staff may better provide help to students who are having academic, financial, or personal problems that will keep them from succeeding at the College.  To make a referral using the FAST reporting system, please click here. Please be aware that the FAST system is not an emergency hotline. For an on-campus emergency, please call Public Safety.
  • In celebration of Homecoming week, the Department of Public Safety has launched a social media campaign in an attempt to actively engage the campus community. Throughout the week, there will be several opportunities to win prizes. If you have not already, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for departmental news, upcoming events, and other important information.  If you are having trouble accessing our pages, please make sure you are signed into your social media account.
  • With a large response from last semester, I will be extending this opportunity again for anyone who may be interested in safety training. Most CofC employees work in positions that require interaction with all types of people. Although a majority of these interactions are positive, there may be occasions where you are faced to deal with a disgruntled parent, student, or visitor. Public Safety is offering training on how to respond in these situations. This training will include: communication tactics; locating and properly using panic buttons; information to gather when reporting these incidents; and any specific concerns you may have. Please contact me if your department is interested in this training.

Crime Prevention Tip:

Campus Safety is everyone’s responsibility. Report suspicious activity to Public Safety by calling (843)953-5611. The dispatcher will need to know race, gender, height, weight, age, clothing description, the direction of flight of the suspect, and if he or she has a weapon.


As always, please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.


Take Care and Be Safe,

PSO Madeline M. Sloan


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