Crime Prevention Update Nov 13 2014

By | November 13, 2014

It is hard to believe how quickly the semester is passing. I hope everyone enjoyed their fall break and is ready to enter the holiday season! Here are a few things to pass along from the Department:

  • Thank you to all who attended our annual Campus Safety Walk last week. We greatly appreciate all of the feedback we received from our participants on the safety and security of the College. The event served as a great way for the campus community to interact with their Public Safety Officers and actively participate in the physical security of the campus.
  • As Thanksgiving break is approaching, now is the time to prepare your residence if you are planning on going out of town for the holiday. For those of you residing in the downtown area, particularly students living in off-campus housing, you can contact the Charleston Police Department ((843) 720-2426) if you would like an officer to keep an eye on your residence while you are away. Any faculty, staff, or students living outside the immediate area are encouraged to call their local police department, as most law enforcement agencies offer this service.
  • In the past few weeks, we have received several questions regarding Public Safety’s role in the enforcement of the Tobacco-Free Campus Policy. As the policy states, effective implementation depends on the courtesy, cooperation, and respect of all members of the campus community. Although enforcement is a community effort, if Public Safety receives a call in reference to someone violating this policy, an officer will respond. Policy violation and discipline is outlined in section 7.0 of the policy. The tobacco-free campus map can be viewed here. For more information, please contact the tobacco-free committee.
  • We had great participation at the McAlister Family Fued event last night. Thank you to PSO Williams, SSO Chisolm, and the staff at Counseling and Substance Abuse Services for hosting this event.
  • Thank you to all of the students, faculty, and staff who participated in our R.A.D. program this semester. We were pleased with the high turn-out and are looking forward to hosting more classes in the spring. For more information, please visit our website or email Below are the class dates for next semester:

Spring 2015

3/17 5pm- 8pm

3/19 5pm- 8pm

3/24 5pm- 8pm

3/26 5pm- 8pm

  • As a reminder, the Department of Public Safety is available 24/7 to provide safety escorts to all students, faculty, and staff. The Cougar Shuttle is available for off-campus transportation on the downtown peninsula seven nights a week from 11:00 P.M. – 3:00 A.M., during the fall and spring semesters.
  • Be social with us! If you have not already, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for departmental news, upcoming events, and other important information.  If you are having trouble accessing our pages, please make sure you are signed into your social media account.

Crime Prevention Tip:

If you are planning a holiday vacation, take simple steps to make your home look occupied. Have a trusted friend or neighbor collect mail, rake leaves, and take in/out garbage and recycling bins.

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