Crime Prevention Update Jul 24 2014

By | July 24, 2014

With August just around the corner, the campus has been bustling as we all prepare for the return of our students. As July comes to a close, here are a few things to pass along from Public Safety:

  • For those of you who missed President McConnell’s announcement, the Department of Public Safety will no longer be within the Division of Student Affairs. Instead, the Department will report directly to the Office of the President. The staff of the Department of Public Safety will continue to work in collaboration with all departments on campus as we strive to serve the College of Charleston community with professionalism and excellence.
  • Public Safety has been working with the staff of New Student Programs on providing incoming students with all necessary information as they prepare to arrive on campus in the fall. Public Safety officers have spoken to students and parents at each of the orientation sessions and participated in the information fairs. Our staff is dedicated to strengthening the partnership between Public Safety officers and all College of Charleston students.
  • From August 5th-8th, representatives from CALEA (The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc.)  will be visiting campus as part of Public Safety’s reaccreditation process. As part of the on-site assessment, agency employees and members of the community are invited to offer comments at a public information session on Thursday, August 7, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. in Stern Center 409. Agency employees and the public are also invited to offer comments by calling (843) 953-7129 on Thursday, August 7, 2014; from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Telephone comments as well as appearances at the public information session are limited to 10 minutes and must address the agency’s ability to comply with CALEA’s standards. A copy of the standards is available and may be viewed at the Public Safety headquarters.  Local contact is Please contact Sergeant  Beaudry with any questions.
  • According to the South Carolina Emergency Management Division, South Carolina is one of the most vulnerable states in the nation to be impacted by hurricanes and tropical storms.  As we are in the midst of hurricane season, please be sure to stay educated on proper hurricane preparedness.  You can pick up a copy of the Charleston County Hurricane Preparedness Guide at Public Safety headquarters, or visit the South Carolina Emergency Management Division website. Anyone with questions, please contact Randy Beaver, Director of Environmental Health and Safety.
  • With such a large response to the last Crime Prevention email, I am extending the offer to any departments interested in this training:
    •  Most CofC employees work in positions that require interaction with all types of people. Although a majority of these interactions are positive, there may be occasions where you are faced to deal with a disgruntled parent, student, or visitor. Public Safety is offering training on how to respond in these situations. This training will include: communication tactics; locating and properly using panic buttons; information to gather when reporting these incidents; and any specific concerns you may have. Please contact me if your department is interested in this training.
    • As a reminder, Campus Safety Awareness Month is in September. We have several events planned throughout the month. If your campus group or organization would like to team up with Public Safety on hosting a presentation or event, we would be more than happy to collaborate on this initiative. Please contact Sergeant Jake Muse with questions or suggestions.
    • Be social with us! If you have not already, please follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for departmental news, upcoming events, and other important information.

Crime Prevention Tip: Always lock your doors, even if someone is home. Unlocked doors are the easiest way for a criminal to enter a household.

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