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Archives For November 30, 2019

Please join us in welcoming the newest member to Academic Affairs, Katy Flynn.

Katy FlynnKaty Flynn serves in a dual position as the Faculty Secretariat to the College of Charleston’s Faculty Senate and as the Academic Coordinator for the Office of the Provost. Katy joined the College in December 2019. Katy received her B.A. in Secondary English Education and M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Kentucky. After graduate school, Mrs. Flynn taught high school English and from 2016 to 2019, Katy worked for the Kentucky Community and Technical College System first as a Financial Aid Specialist and later as a Curriculum and Programs Coordinator.

As Faculty Secretariat, Mrs. Flynn works in collaboration with the Speaker of the Faculty, Senate Secretary, and Parliamentarian on administrative, archival, and social functions for the Faculty Senate, the primary legislative body of College faculty. In this role, she is also the website content manager for the Faculty Senate, and provides staff support for the maintenance of all faculty senate archives and the Faculty/Administrative Manual.

For the Office of the Provost, Katy assists the Office of the Provost with a variety of functions including curriculum management, faculty credentialing, Course|Instructor Evaluations, and divisional data integrity. Together with Franklin Czwazka, the Registrar’s Office’s Catalog and Curriculum Systems Manager, Katy provides technical and administrative coordination for our curriculum management system, Curriculog, under the direction of Associate Provost Del Mastro. Katy also manages the College’s faculty credentials records to ensure compliance with standards outline by the College and our accreditation agency, SACSCOC, and she is responsible for provisioning and auditing accesses for credentialed instructors and academic program directors. Additionally, Mrs. Flynn is the staff administrator of Course|Instructor Evaluations under the direction of Associate Provost Caveny. Mrs. Flynn assists Academic Affairs with data integrity and both internal and external reporting related the faculty, teaching assistant, curriculum, Course|Instructor Evaluation, and academic administrative data.

We are very excited to have Mrs. Flynn join our team!

Check out: CofC Today: New Staff – featuring Katy Flynn (12/04/2019)

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