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Egg on the Van, Pie on the Face


April 11, 2022 by mcclainwa

This protest scene in the recent film, Und Morgen Die Ganze Welt, shows the main protagonist’s internal struggle. She is dealing with her strong convictions as they are pitted together before her. She despises fascists to the point of joining a group that is ready to openly fight them. Even though she is nervous about the people in the group she still has the conviction to join with them. Throughout this edited scene there are medium-closeup shots of Luisa as well as similar shots of masked members of her newly joined group and a medium shot of a speaker at an alt-right group rally as well as closeup shots of paint eggs being thrown at the van behind the speaker. Luisa is at first shown yelling and angered at the speaker, once the eggs hit the van she smiles and cheers. Shortly after however, as the edited clip slows, a pie is thrown at the speaker. Luisa’s expression immediately drops to concern and after another pie is thrown disappointment or a similar upset grimace. The quick cuts as Luisa turns her head mirror similar cuts throughout the film, helping focus the story on Luisa, both in her headspace and in her actual line of sight and experiences. This humanizes the antifascist law student and gives insight into her struggle with her placement within this movement. The surprise and confusion shown by the actress for Luisa after the pie hits the speaker exemplifies this type of editing after switching immediately to her smile dropping and her turning her head after the pie is thrown to see not only the throwers but the photographer of the group capturing the assault. Though she and the majority of the group are trying to be peaceful, a few members change the message to a more radical stance that eventually culminates in problems for the movement and those like it in the future. A proverbial “egg on the face” of the protestors in some ways.



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