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Setting the Stage


January 31, 2022 by sullivandr1

Arguably, one of the most important scenes in a film is the opening scene, as it sets the stage and tone for the rest of the film. The opening scene of “Kuhle Wamp” is comprised of a few frames, all of which are set in industrial type locations. For example, tall smokestacks are observed, along with a steaming locomotive rolling down the tracks, and then to tall stark buildings lined with rows of windows, alluding to the time-period of the film.

Each of the scenes set a grim tone and feeling of an industrial world, which calls to mind labor laws/rights in the minds of the audience. Because of the clips, the audience is able to pick up on the tones of grim, hollowness that is often associated with the industrial period of history, specifically in European countries. Reinforcing these ideas is both the fact that the film is in bleak black and white, and the lighting is quite dim in the opening scenes in comparison to what a lighter mood might call for. The clear addition of the smoke and fog also helps to create a foreboding tone which is to allude to the future action of the film.


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