Author Archive | Katie


The best part of this project, for me, was not worrying about getting something wrong. Generally, when large projects are assigned there are strict rules to structure it against. This time, because we were all figuring out what the parameters should be together, we got to learn more about what we were doing. If, at […]

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Old-Fashioned Foodie

My goal is to discover what I can about the food culture of colonial South Carolina. As someone who eats everyday, I think about food a lot. My Southern family has given me a hearty appreciation of comfort foods like fried chicken, beans and rice, fried green tomatoes, and the like. It will be really […]

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Summary of Chapter 10- Society: Aspirations and Achievements

Chapter ten, Society: Aspirations and Achievements, covers the life and times of the early aristocracy. Throughout its history, the colony’s debt to England in all areas is evident—society, government, art, and architecture. The wealthy planters came from England, and considered themselves English in many respects. Early settlers often came with the intention of returning to […]

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Chapter 16: Don’t Look at Me, I’m a Public Figure

In this chapter John Winthrop defends himself against accusations of fixing the election for governor. He was exonerated and some of the accusers were fined. Winthrop argues that the magistrates the people “take [magistrates] from among [themselves]” meaning that they are humans too. He furthers this by saying that the magistrates cannot be accused of […]

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Jeremiad Sermons

The jeremiad style sermon of the late 17th century is the typical fire-and-brimstone style sermon we associate with the Puritans. Its claims of societies failure to live up to God’s (incredibly high) standards are supported by evidence of all the misfortunes that might befall a community (flood, famine, fire, etc.). This style, named after the […]

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A Relation of Maryland-The Best Colony Ever

The Maryland colony was a formed in 1632, in response to the second colonizing of Virginia. A Relation of Maryland was written by Jerome Hawley and John Lewger upon their return to England in 1635 (Maryland’s Roots). Located in the Chesapeake Bay area, this 12 million acre colony was given to Lord Baltimore, Cecilius Calvert (Taylor 136). […]

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Narrative Selections

These selections from the Narrative of Cabeza de Vaca were chosen to highlight the Indian tribes de Vaca met throughout his travels around the Americas. De Vaca met numerous different Indian cultures and, through his reliance on them to survive, came to see many customs that were strange to his European mind. The core of […]

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The Great Flood

The story of the great flood that lasted forty days and forty nights is familiar to most of us Westerners, Christian or not. The Native American creation stories I read also often mentioned a flood that reset the world too. In “The Earth Dragon” from a tribe along the Northern California Coast, the gods’ first […]

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I don’t have a funny title…

The myth of the “Corn Mother” reminded me a lot of the resurrection story from the Christian mythos. They both share a self-sacrificial hero who gives their life to save their people. The interesting thing, I think, that unites these stories is that the community is encouraged to eat the flesh of the heroes. In […]

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