Samuel de Champlain was born in Brouage, France. His date of birth is unknown, but estimated to be around 1570. For exploring North America in the name of France, Champlain was coined as the “Father of New France,” as he established the city of Quebec in Canada (then referred to as New France). As a […]
Author Archive | ChristinaP

The Way of the Maize Road: From the 1542 Relación of Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca
Cabeza de Vaca’s account spans over nine years of his journey through America. There are many themes (religion, gender, survival, etc.) that encompass the account, making it difficult to highlight just five sections to draw from and summarize Cabeza’s journey. My goal was to choose chapters that would offer not only a summary of […]
Buffalo and the Cheyenne
For the Cheyenne Tribes, the buffalo is a sacred animal. Throughout time it provided food, clothing, and shelter; essentially, it was the tribes source of life. It is interesting then, to read the buffalo as a villain. The tale of The Quillwork Girl And Her Seven Star Brothers (page 205) depicts the buffalo as a […]