Year: 2010

Basilica Aemilia Exhibit in Roman Forum

I just returned home from a trip to Rome.  I’m always surprised by how many new things there are to see in the city.  One of the high points of this trip was a special exhibit that is on-going in the Forum tracing the history and decorations of the Basilica Aemilia.  The fragments of the…Continue Reading Basilica Aemilia Exhibit in Roman Forum

Is Rome’s Ancient Heritage Crumbling?

I came across an interesting story about the effects of budget cuts on the preservation of ancient Roman sites. As I sit here in Charleston, at last being able to look out my office window after six months of renovations to 200-year old Randolph Hall, it is overwhelming to think about all of the work…Continue Reading Is Rome’s Ancient Heritage Crumbling?

9.3 years and $23,000

Everyone considering entering graduate school to pursue a Ph.D. in Humanities ought to read the article that appeared in today’s NYTimes Education Life supplement.  It now takes, on average, 9.3 years to complete a Ph.D. in the Humanities.  The average new Ph.D. is 35 years old and owes $23,000 in student loans.  I always try…Continue Reading 9.3 years and $23,000

Tracking Hannibal in the Alps

A lecture is coming up this Friday that may be of interest to people out there: Tracking Hannibal in the alps: National Geographic Hannibal Expedition 2007-2008 By Dr. Patrick Hunt, Stanford University    Friday, April 16th 2010 at 5:00 PM Simons Center for the Arts, Room 309  Archaeological Institute of America, South Carolina Society Sponsored…Continue Reading Tracking Hannibal in the Alps