Year: 2010

Undergraduate Research Poster Session

On Monday, August 23, 10:00-2:00, URCA (Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities) will be hosting a research poster session on the second floor of the New Science Center.  Come by and see what our talented undergraduates have been working on.  Two Classics students will be presenting posters, Angelina Phebus (who was working with Prof. Newhard), and…Continue Reading Undergraduate Research Poster Session

PINO: Public-in-name-only

Recently I’ve found myself straying in this blog, moving beyond things ancient to comment on issues related to higher education.  These are important issues, and people need to understand the problems that we are facing in this country. One major issue is the lack of direct funding for public colleges and universities.  Many institutions are…Continue Reading PINO: Public-in-name-only

More Administrators, Fewer Professors

Sunday’s New York Times education supplement had an interesting story about the rise of college administrators.  In 1976 there were, on average, 42 full-time administrators for every 1,000 college students.  In 2008, that number had risen to 84 administrators.  At the same time, the number of full-time faculty members dropped from 65 per 1,000 students…Continue Reading More Administrators, Fewer Professors

337 Looted Antiquities Recovered in Rome

Quite a story out yesterday about a large stash of antiquities that was recovered from looters in a warehouse in Switzerland.  Some 337 objects were recovered by the Italian police and displayed for the press in the Colosseum in Rome.  How fitting to display looted items in the Colosseum — the Romans themselves did quite a…Continue Reading 337 Looted Antiquities Recovered in Rome