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What is the difference?- Emma Simmons

November 20, 2020 by simmonsec   

     When I got the email about being able to write my own monologue about something going on in 2020, I got so excited and knew exactly what I wanted to write about. I had been watching the news day after day seeing the numbers of deaths from Covid-19 rising but all we really heard was the numbers. There weren’t many people grieving with these families who just lost someone. It got me thinking about 9/11 and how we grieved as a country for all those who lost their lives. I lost my father on that day and being able to see my country stop, think, and mourn with my family and I every anniversary helps me because I know that the day will never be forgotten. I want that for the families of those who have lost someone due to the Corona Virus. I want them to know that the country is grieving with them during this national tragedy.
      Also on the news I would hear people saying, that the virus is all a hoax and that everyone is overplaying how bad it is. It got me so mad because I could not imagine hearing someone say that to me after I just lost someone to the virus. These people who just lost someone that they love have to listen to others say that the number of people who have died is a lie and that the virus is just like a common cold. I can not imagine the anger that they must have felt.
      I wanted to address the issue for these families in a way that I knew best, theater. When I received the email about this process I knew that I found my way to express myself and my frustrations.
     The process of writing this monologue has been amazing because of the amazing writers, director, and stage manager. Everyone has been so supportive of each other and willing to listen to one another. I feel like lately people do not stop to listen to each other so for this group to stop what we are doing for a few hours twice a week and just talk and listen to one another is in my opinion pretty amazing.
     I have struggled like so many other with feeling isolated this year so having these meeting twice a week was something that I looked forward to because I got to have some social human interaction that was my choice to have, not just classes.
     I am so excited for everyone to hear our monologues and our perspectives on things that have happened in 2020.
     Lastly I would like to share a picture of my dad as my monologue is dedicated to him and my family


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