
NOTE ON THE SCHEDULE: All assigned readings are scheduled for Monday and Wednesday.  Friday will be a day of re-reading; a day to refine and continue our conversations about word and world from earlier in the week in light of your MOD Blog posts; and a day to hear poetry via the “Sounding Modernism” recitations.  Please note the separate schedules for both Friday’s recitations and Monday’s “Fragments in Five” presentations

All MOD Blog posts are due Thursday by midnight

WEEK 1–Intros, Materials, Methods

Wed. 8/24 Fri. 8/26
  • Opening DiscussionThe Worlds of Modernism–How do you conceive of the relationship between a poem and its context, between word and world?
  • Course Structure: Beyond the Cult of the Author: Modernism and Time, A Chronological Approach.
  • Demo “practice post”
  • A word on ‘difficult’ poetry
  • Readings Due: Read the course website and come to class with your questions, concerns, and enthusiasms. Visit and read about the Modern Journals Project and Penn Sound. Sign up for Tiki Toki, Flickr and YouTube.
  • Blog–Practice Post: compose a post in which you embed a video, insert a linked picture with a border around it, include a “read more” break, link to an external website, insert a tag.  Be sure to categorize your post under “Practice Posts.”

WEEK 2–Proto-Modernisms: 1855-1900

MON. 8/29 Wed. 8/31 FRI. 9/2
  • Mini-Lecture: Before Modernism Was Cool: What Came Before and Why it Matters 
  • Readings: 1855-1868
  • World Fragment in Five: Symbolism and Impressionism; Urbanization and Industrialization; Darwin
  • Readings:Blogging Instructions (CW); “Life Narrative: Definitions and Distinctions” (RA: 1-19); and “Life Narrative in Historical Perspective” (RA 103-125)
  • Presentations: Precipitating the Modern: Cultural Factors: What Happened Before Modernism: Darwinism, Industrialization, Immigatrio” Autobiographical Subjects” (RA: 21-61)

WEEK 3–Early Modernisms: 1908-1914

MON. 9/5 WED. 9/7 FRI. 9/9
  • No Class
  • Readings:Blogging Instructions (CW); “Life Narrative: Definitions and Distinctions” (RA: 1-19); and “Life Narrative in Historical Perspective” (RA 103-125)
  • Readings: “Autobiographical Subjects” (RA: 21-61)

WEEK 4–WW1: Death and Rebirth: 1914-1916

MON. 9/12 WED. 9/14 FRI. 9/16
  • No Class
  • Readings:Blogging Instructions (CW); “Life Narrative: Definitions and Distinctions” (RA: 1-19); and “Life Narrative in Historical Perspective” (RA 103-125)
  • Readings: “Autobiographical Subjects” (RA: 21-61)

WEEK 5–1916-1918

MON. 9/19 WED. 9/21 FRI. 9/23
  • No Class
  • Readings:Blogging Instructions (CW); “Life Narrative: Definitions and Distinctions” (RA: 1-19); and “Life Narrative in Historical Perspective” (RA 103-125)
  • Readings: “Autobiographical Subjects” (RA: 21-61)

WEEK 6–1918-1922

MON. 9/26 WED. 9/28 FRI. 9/30
  • No Class
  • Readings:Blogging Instructions (CW); “Life Narrative: Definitions and Distinctions” (RA: 1-19); and “Life Narrative in Historical Perspective” (RA 103-125)
  • Readings: “Autobiographical Subjects” (RA: 21-61)

WEEK 7–1922

MON. 10/3 WED. 10/5 FRI. 10/7
  • No Class
  • Readings:Blogging Instructions (CW); “Life Narrative: Definitions and Distinctions” (RA: 1-19); and “Life Narrative in Historical Perspective” (RA 103-125)
  • Readings: “Autobiographical Subjects” (RA: 21-61)

WEEK 8–1923-1930

MON. 10/10 WED. 10/12 FRI. 10/14
  • No Class
  • Readings:Blogging Instructions (CW); “Life Narrative: Definitions and Distinctions” (RA: 1-19); and “Life Narrative in Historical Perspective” (RA 103-125)
  • Paper 1 Due

WEEK 9–1930-1939

MON. 10/17 WED. 10/19 FRI. 10/21
  • No Class
  • Readings:Blogging Instructions (CW); “Life Narrative: Definitions and Distinctions” (RA: 1-19); and “Life Narrative in Historical Perspective” (RA 103-125)
  • Readings: “Autobiographical Subjects” (RA: 21-61)

WEEK 10 1939-1945

MON. 10/24 WED. 10/26 FRI. 10/28
  • No Class
  • Readings:Blogging Instructions (CW); “Life Narrative: Definitions and Distinctions” (RA: 1-19); and “Life Narrative in Historical Perspective” (RA 103-125)
  • Readings: “Autobiographical Subjects” (RA: 21-61)

WEEK 11–Late Modernisms: 1945 and Onward

MON. 10/31 WED. 11/2 FRI. 11/4
  • No Class
  • Readings:Blogging Instructions (CW); “Life Narrative: Definitions and Distinctions” (RA: 1-19); and “Life Narrative in Historical Perspective” (RA 103-125)
  • Readings: “Autobiographical Subjects” (RA: 21-61)

WEEK 12–Aftershocks: The Waste Land Take 2

MON. 11/7 WED. 11/9 FRI. 11/11
  • No Class
  • Readings:Blogging Instructions (CW); “Life Narrative: Definitions and Distinctions” (RA: 1-19); and “Life Narrative in Historical Perspective” (RA 103-125)
  • Readings: “Autobiographical Subjects” (RA: 21-61)

WEEK 13–Aftershocks: Recyclopedia

MON. 11/14 WED. 11/16 FRI. 11/18
  • Paper 2 Due
  • Readings:Blogging Instructions (CW); “Life Narrative: Definitions and Distinctions” (RA: 1-19); and “Life Narrative in Historical Perspective” (RA 103-125)
  • Readings: “Autobiographical Subjects” (RA: 21-61)


MON. 11/21 WED. 11/23 FRI. 11/25
  • Preparing for Presentations
  • Thanksgiving Break
  • Thanksgiving Break


MON. 11/28 WED. 11/30 FRI. 12/2
  • Presentations:
    Visualizing Modernisms–Teams 1 and 2
  • Presentations: Visualizing Modernism: Teams 3 and 4
  • Presentations: Visualizing Modernism–Team 5,  C0llaborative Timeline Presentation


Final Day of Class: Monday, December 5
Meet in Library Technology Room
Course Evaluations, Final Exam Prep, Final Thoughts

[Final Exam: Monday, December 12: 12-3]

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