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Author Archives: oliphantgg
Encounter in a Frosted Wood
In an article by Baron Wormser entitled “Robert Frost and the Drama of Encounter,” Wormser points out how “Frost prefers to present the situation, which is to say the drama of opposition or indifference” (Wormser). What he means by this … Continue reading
Love Song of 1910
T.S. Eliot’s poem entitled “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock was written by Eliot some time between 1910 and 1911. The most evident historical significance is that this poem was composed before WWI. However, it still possesses the same … Continue reading
This post will make you want to “scratch and defecate and f#$%”
In Charles Baudelaire’s poem from Les Fleurs du mal entitled “Au Lecture,” plenty of daring and controversial ideas are laid out for the reader. Baudelaire begins the poem by pointing out humanities sinful nature. He does this in the first two … Continue reading
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