Author Archives: Katherine Bartter

About Katherine Bartter

Senior Creative Writing major Poli. Sci. minor Cat enthusiast

Beautiful Zoo: Final Project

WELCOME TO A BEAUTIFUL ZOO! Home to the cryptic and fascinating animals, objects, and any other breathing or non-breathing things residing in Marianne Moore’s poems. This website features three poems by Marianne Moore (e.g. The Plumet Basilisk, Elephants, and The … Continue reading

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Reasons to Live: A Modernist Collage

Jeffrey Pethybridge’s Striven, The Bright Treatise does something so many modernists have done before him: provide a reason for living created from the ghosts of the dead. Whether the things dead are people, tradition, symbols, the environment, poetic forms or culture, … Continue reading

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Why I Don’t Like Puns: Response to Haryette Mullen’s Recylcopedia

When I think of puns I immediately think of a socially inept individual who knows no other way to break the ice during an event with strangers other than to suddenly exclaim, “You know what the worst part about these … Continue reading

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The Objectivist Takeover: Zukofsky’s Edition of Poetry Magazine

At the requests of Ezra Pound and Harriet Monroe, Louis Zukofsky decided to act as temporary editor of the February 1931 issue of Poetry magazine. Notable writers included within the issue are William Carlos Williams (admittedly the most tame of … Continue reading

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Workshop Song: An Imitation of Jean Toomer

I chose to imitate “Harvest Song” by Jean Toomer because I love the sounds and language he uses. The poem indicates a dryness that cannot be quenched (specifically, the “hunger” that is consistently repeated throughout), and the lack of satisfaction … Continue reading

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Confusion, Separation, Isolation, Liberation: A Critical Approach to “Spring and All”

In “The Power of Confusion: Spring and All’s Prose, Poetry, and Poetics” George Hart argues for the necessity of confusion, specifically meaning to combine or merge causing incoherence, within William Carlos William’s Spring and All as a key element within … Continue reading

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BREAKING NEWS: T.S. Eliot Maybe Not a Lunatic

I know we read “Tradition and the Individual Talent” last week, but I’ve decided I needed to talk about it now. Especially, in light of just reading “Gerontion” by Eliot. When you first read “Tradition and the Individual Talent,” you … Continue reading

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The Roar Begins: Significant Events of the Early 20s

US Women’s Suffrage Social Change The 19th Amendment of the US Constitution was ratified on August 26 in 1920, stating, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States … Continue reading

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All the Small Things: A Close Read of Marianne Moore’s “Poetry”

You are struck by an ever present feeling of quirkiness when you begin to read Marianne Moore’s poems, but soon you’re assaulted by a sense of gravity, wisdom, heartbreak, a little tongue-in-cheek, the boring—wait, was that a quote from a … Continue reading

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Constructing the Aura of T.S. Eliot

T.S. Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” was published in the 1915 issue of Poetry: A Magazine of Verse. According to the author’s headnotes in the Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry, the editor of Poetry, Harriet Monroe, had … Continue reading

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