Poetry and Art Timeline

Going through the readings in this class, I have really been drawn to the poems that have to do with the art and music of the time. My idea for my final project is to take poems from Mina Loy along with other poets and mirror their work with paintings/ sculpture of the time . I want to see if I can draw a connection between the two and see if the two mediums seem to have a conversation with one another.

This project would obviously need a lot of research. I want to do some archival work. I would love to see where some of these poems were first published and see if there was any art coming out at the same time. I would also look into databases and things of that nature.

I am most likely going to use timeline software to get my project on the blog. I think that using it would be a fun an interesting way to track the progression of art and poetry.

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2 Responses to Poetry and Art Timeline

  1. Prof VZ says:

    I like the idea of an art-and-poetry timeline. I think branching off into other mediums–music, photography, dance–would be something to keep in mind. The question is whether you want to offer a narrower look at art and poetry, or whether you want to cast a wider net, attempting to collect as many art forms as possible to place alongside poetry.

    I think if you went with just painting / sculpture and poetry, a timeline would work well. You might place certain images and certain poems side by side and then describe the what artistic ideals each part of the pair, and how those different ideals end up reflecting one another.

    If you cast a wider net and research other art forms, a timeline would be more difficult as the “story” wouldn’t be as clear.

    As for research, I’d begin with scholarly secondary sources on modern poetry and modern art. Those will point you towards possible primary sources. Try to do some of this research and refine your idea for next Friday.

    Good luck!

  2. Prof VZ says:

    You didn’t seem to expand upon / clarify the post yet. Begin the research, post a bibliography, and begin framing your project through that scholarly lens. It’s great to form a personal / intellectual connection with the materials, but now it is time to join the broader scholarly conversation and contribute to it in a way that gives folks something meaningful to work with and reflect upon.

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