About my job
2October 24, 2014 by Garrett Mitchener
Dear Diego, Thank you for your letter about your school. Let me tell you a little about my job. I’m …
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Category Letters to Diego, Math | Tags: classroom, math, teaching
Summer vacation
0July 21, 2014 by Garrett Mitchener
Dear Diego, I hope all is well. My church hosted Vacation Bible School last week. My job was to write …
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Category Letters to Diego | Tags:
Happy Birthday to Diego, and to the Church
0June 20, 2014 by Garrett Mitchener
Dear Diego, Thank you for the picture of you! I’m excited to see you growing up. I’m writing this on …
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Category Letters to Diego | Tags:
How I used a specialty microphone in a phonetics course
0June 19, 2014 by Garrett Mitchener

In the spring 2014 semester, I ran a special topics course on phonetics and speech analysis. I invited students from …
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Category Computer, Math | Tags: classroom, computer, linguistics, math, phonetics, student project, teaching, technology
Saturday before Easter
0April 20, 2014 by Garrett Mitchener
Dear Diego, I’m writing on Saturday, April 19, which is the day after Good Friday and before Easter Sunday. This is a difficult …
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Category Letters to Diego | Tags:
What geeky people do on snow days
0February 12, 2014 by Garrett Mitchener
Short answer: learn quantum mechanics The college was closed today, so instead of teaching classes and such, I’ve been at …
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Category Computer, Math, Uncategorized | Tags:
Merry Christmas 2013
0December 19, 2013 by Garrett Mitchener
Dear Diego, I’m always very busy this time of year. For my job, I’m a math professor at the College …
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Category Letters to Diego | Tags:
Lookie what we drew at the Inkscape Workshop
0August 10, 2013 by Garrett Mitchener
I’m at the Flock to Fedora conference here at the College of Charleston, and I went to an Inkscape workshop. …
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Category Uncategorized | Tags:
About Star Trek
0August 1, 2013 by Garrett Mitchener
Dear Diego, I don’t know if you’ve ever seen Star Trek: Originally, it was a TV show, made between 1966 …
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Category Letters to Diego | Tags:
VBS 2013 for us geeks
0August 1, 2013 by Garrett Mitchener
Dear Diego, I got your letter and drawing– thank you very much for sending it! I thought I should tell …
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Category Letters to Diego | Tags: