Paris Stream-Dau

Paris is a Sociology major with a Studio Art minor with the (possibly unattainable) dream of becoming an art therapist and working in nursing...

Riley Poole

Riley is a German major and a Linguistics minor. She loves Matt Damon movies, One Direction and Air Playing her dog’s Instagram at inappropriate...

Meg Gesser

Meg is currently a sophomore at the College from Raleigh, north Carolina. She is majoring in psychology with a minor in Middle Eastern Studies,...

Two Poems by Claire Zlotnicki

          Claire Zlotnicki is pursuing a Women’s and Gender Studies degree at the College of Charleston. She graduated from the...

Visual Arts by Jules Kaempf

          Jules Kaempf is a sophomore at the College of Charleston, and is currently in the process of changing her...

AWP Experience Day 1: How I learned to stop fighting and love dim-sum

I’ve decided to keep a daily journal of my experiences so far at my first AWP. This year’s conference seems so far to be...

Works by Michael Williams

  Michael Williams is a sophomore at C of C who is double majoring in Arts Management and Studio Art with a minor in...
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Three Poems by Marlena Kolesinska

Fly Fishing They don’t even know what they’re sitting on, waiting in the cabin of the car­­– brimming with brawn. Through the windows, they...

Poems and Visual Art by Morgan Bradham

What It’s Like to Live in Charleston The air is not crisp but can tell you still Of the rouse which may hide behind...

Miscellany/Hasley Crossover Contest Winner: Fossilized Sound (The Eternal Concerto of Archaboilus musicus) by Theodore Carrigan-Broda

Fossilized Sound THE ETERNAL CONCERTO OF ARCHABOILUS MUSICUS Inanimate insect in amber immured, Rigidified resin, vermillion contours, Within which a cricket’s frail figure perdures—...


By: Laura Rashley, Assistant Editor For Dylan and Emma, for being...